Spinal #1 Flashcards
Bones which persist within a suture are known as:
A. Wormian
B. Sesamoid
C. Ossicles
D. Limbus
The mastoid process is located on the:
A. Parietal bone
B. Frontal bone
C. Temporal bone
D. Occipital bone
Which bone is part of the hard palate?
A. Ethmoid
B. Maxillary
C. Sphenoid
D. Vomer
The lambdoidal suture is made of the ___and the ___bones:
A. Frontal; parietal
B. Temporal; parietal
C. Sphenoid; occipital
D. Occipital; parietal
Occipital; parietal
Which of the following forms most of the roof of the nasal cavity?
A. Nasal bone
B. Ethmoid bone
C. Palatine bone
D. Maxilla bone
The skull sutures are classified as:
A. Amphiarthrosis
B. Synchondrosis
C. Diarthrosis
D. Synarthrosis
The arcuate foramen is partially formed by the:
A. Tectorial membrane
B. Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
C. Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
D. Cruciform ligament
Posterior Atlanto-occipital membrane
The vertebral arch connects to the vertebral body via the:
A. Lamina
B. Pedicle
C. Spinous process
D. Transverse process
The fovea dentalis is on the:
A. Posterior arch of C1
B. Anterior arch of C1
C. Body of C2
D. Odontoid process of C2
Anterior Arch of C1
The carotid tubercle is found on which cervical vertebra?
A. 1
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7
The hyoid is associated with which cervical vertebra?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7
The Cornu (thyroid) is associated with which cervical vertebra?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 7
The thyroid body is associated with which cervical vertebra?
A. 2
B. 5
C. 4
D. 7
The protuberance on the posterior aspect of the superior articular process of a lumbar vertebra is known as the:
A. Superior tubercle
B. Lateral tubercle
C. Accessory process
D. Mammillary process
Mammillary process
The fusion of ____ forms the intermediate sacral crest:
A. Costal elements
B. Articular processes
C. Transverse processes
D. Spinous processes
Articular Porcesses
The jugular notch is located on which structure?
A. Clavicle
B. First rib
C. Corpus sterni
D. Manubrium sterni
Manubrium Sterni
How many vertebral sternal ribs are there?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 7
D. 10
The Manubrium sterni has a total of how many articular surfaces?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
Which one of the following is unique to the first rib?
A. Costal grove
B. Head
C. Scalene tubercle
D. Angle
Scalene tubercle
How many primary ossification centers are found in the lumbar vertebra?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 1
D. 6
How many secondary ossification centers are found in the lumbar vertebra?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6
7 TVP= 2 SP= 1 Mammillary= 2 Upper and lower body= 2
What is the remnant of the notochord?
A. Neural tube
B. Neural crest
C. Nucleus pulposus
D. Sclerotome
Nucleus Pulposus
The vertebral bodies are derived from which of the following?
A. Myotome
B. Sclerotome
C. Neural tube
D. Neural crest
Vertebral column=sclerotome!
In a typical vertebra there are ____ secondary ossification centers.
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
- 3 primary oss centers
- centrum
- R/L halves of neural arch
The zygomatic bone provides the origin for which muscle?
A. Buccinator
B. Platysma
C. Masseter
D. Frontalis
*the masseter in the prime mover for jaw closure via elevation of the mandible
Which of the following attaches to the coronoid tubercle of the mandible?
A. Lateral ptyergoid
B. Medial ptyergoid
C. Masseter
D. Temporalis
Which muscle originates on the posterior tubercle of the atlas and ascends to the occiput?
A. Obliquus capitis superior
B. Obliquus capitis inferior
C. Rectus capitis posterior minor
D. Rectus capitis posterior major
Rectus capitis posterior minor
Which muscle flexes, laterally flexes and rotates the head?
A. Longus colli
B. Scalenus anterior
C. Longus capitus
D. Rectur capitis lateralis
Longus colli
Which of the following does NOT contact the axis?
A. Rectus capitis posterior major
B. Inferior oblique
C. Superior oblique
D. Intertransversarius
Superior Oblique
Which of the following is NOT contained within the foremen magnum?
A. Spinal portion of spinal accessory nerve
B. Vertebral artery
C. Arachnoid membrane
D. Meningeal portion of hypoglossal nerve
Meningeal portion of hypoglossal nerve
The nerves of the brachial plexus pass through the ____ and ____ muscles:
A. Longus capitis; longus cervicis
B. Scalenus posterior; scalenus medius
C. Scalenus medius; scalenus anticus
D. SCM; trapezius
Scalenus medius; scalenus anticus
Which of the following muscles closes the glottis?
A. Styloartenoid
B. Cricoid thyoideus
C. Thyroarytenoid
D. Cricoarytenoid
Which muscle prevents the tongue from receding posterior and blocking the trachea?
A. Stylohyoid
B. Thyrohyoid
C. Mylohyoid
D. Digastric
Which muscle is innervated by both cranial and spinal nerves?
A. Trapezius
B. Rhomboid
C. Latissimus dorsi
D. Levator scapula
Where do the muscular fibers of the diaphragm insert?
A. 9th
B. External oblique
C. Phrenic nerve
D. Central tendon
Central tendon
Which is the most superior rib that Rectus abdominus attaches to?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 12
What does the external abdominal oblique muscle form at its inferior margin?
A. Cremaster muscle
B. Inguinal ligament
C. Iliopsoas muscle
D. Internal oblique muscle
Inguinal Ligament
What muscle helps form the urogenital pelvic diaphragm?
A. Coccygeus
B. Pubococcygeus
C. Superficial transverse perineus
D. Deep transverse perineus
Deep transverse perineus
Which of the following muscles originates on the anterior aspect of the sacrum?
A. Transverse abdominous
B. Quadratus lumborum
C. Piriformis
D. Iliacus
What is the deepest muscular portion of the perineum?
A. Ischiocavernosus
B. Sphincter urethrae
C. Coccygeus
D. Levator ani
Sphincter urethrae
The multifidus muscle is most developed in which region?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral
Which muscle originates from the pterygomandibular raphae?
A. Levator palpebrae superioris
B. Buccinator
C. Mentalis
D. Zygomaticus minor
The cremasteric muscle is derived from:
A. Internal abdominal oblique
B. External abdominal oblique
C. Transversus abdominis
D. Piriformis
Internal Abdominal Oblique
Extensors of the vertebral column are derived from:
A. Epimere
B. Hypomere
C. Dermatome
D. Sclerotome
*Flexors= hypomere
Which muscles are derived from the second pharyngeal arch?
A. Mastication
B. Facial
C. Swallowing
D. Digestion
Which muscle is derived from the epimere segments of myotome?
A. Platysma
B. Latissimus
C. Multifidus
D. Sternothyroid
What muscle is derived from the 1st pharyngeal arch?
A. Platysma
B. Sternohyoideus
C. Stylopharyngeus
D. Masseter
The intervertebral discs make up what percentage of the total length of the vertebral column?
A. 15
B. 25
C. 35
D. 50
*75%bone, 25% Disc
Zygaphophyseal joints are classified as:
A. Synarthrosis
B. Amphiarthrosis
C. Diarthrosis
D. Synchondrosis
What kind of joint is the atlantoaxial joint?
A. Hinge
B. Gliding
C. Pivot
D. Condyloid
** Hinge - Phalanges Gliding - Facets Pivot - Aka Trichoid Condyloid - Ellipsoid