General Anatomy Chiro Essentials 4 Cardiovascular Anatomy 1 Flashcards
The heart develops in the mesoderm of the cephalic region during what embryological week?
What do the right and left endocardial tubes fuse to form?
primitive heart tube
The primitive hear tube folds in on itself and develops what three dilations?
and the bulbus cordis
The proximal end of the heart tube is formed by what?
sinus venosus
The distal end of the heart tube is formed by what?
Truncus arteriosus
The artial dilation is separated by the septum primum in which week?
What is the name for the hole that appears in the upper part of the septum primum?
ostium secundum
What is the 2nd artial septum located slightly right to the septum primum?
septum secundum
The Septum secundum is incomplete inferiorly and the remaining segement is known as what?
limbus of the fossa ovalis
The Truncus Arteriosus (distal end of heart tube) is divided into 2 separate tubes consisting of the aortic and pulmonary at which weeks?
What is the connection in the fetus that allows oxygenated blood to be shunted from the left pulmonary artery to the arch of the aorta?
ductus arteriosus
After birth the ductus arteriosus closes and becomes what structure?
ligamentum arteriosum
Which congenital anomaly is most commonly an ostium secundum defect?
A. Ventricular Septal Defect
B. Atrial Septal Defect
C. Fallots tetralogy
D. Persistent Ductus arteriosus
B. Atrial Septal Defect
Which congenital anomaly is the most common congential heart disease?
A. Ventricular Septal Defect
B. Atrial Septal Defect
C. Fallots tetralogy
D. Persistent Ductus arteriosus
A. Ventricular Septal Defect
Which congenital anomaly is the most common congential cyanotic heart disease?
A. Ventricular Septal Defect
B. Atrial Septal Defect
C. Fallots tetralogy
D. Persistent Ductus arteriosus
C. Fallots tetralogy
Does Fallots tetralogy deals with pulmonary stenosis and has a hypertrophic effect of which heart ventricle?
Right Ventricle hypertrophy
Cyanosis occurs in which type of shunts?
A. Left to right
B. RIght to left
Right to left
Persistent Ductus Arteriosus results from failure of the what structure to close after birth?
Ductus Arteriosus
- do you remember what it is called if it does close after birth?
There are 3 heart boarders: right, inferior and left. What features of the heart make up each border?
Right- right atrium
Inferior- right ventricle
Left- left ventricle and left auricle of left atrium
The right atrium has origins from what two features?
Sinus venosus
True Atrium
The smooth part of the right artrium is derived from which origin?
sinus venosus
*Smooth Sinus
The rough part of the right artrium is derived from which origin?
True Atrium
*its TRUE, life can be ROUGH
What type of muscle bundles does the rough part of the right artium have?
Pectinate muscle bundles
The Smooth and rough parts of the right atrium are separated by a ridge called what?
Crista terminalis
the superior and inferior vena cava bring blood to what part of the heart?
right atrium
What % of myocardial venous blood drains into the heart via the coronary sinus?
Just above the the opening for the tricuspid valve lies the orifice of what sinus?
coronary sinus
How many pulmonary vein openings carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium?
4 pulmonary veins
Does the left atrium have smooth and rough parts like the right atrium?
You betcha
What part of the heart has the moderator band present?
Right ventricle
What part of the heart has several large fleshy trabeculae carneae and papillary muscles?
Right ventricle
Within the Right ventricle the infundibulum is a smooth funnel shaped inlet to the opening of what valves?
Pulmonary Valves
What part of the heart contains the thickest wall?
Left ventricle
*up to 3x thicker than right ventricle
Does the left ventricle have papillary muscles and trabeculae carneae?
Yes, the papillary muscles are what help hold the trabeculae carneae
Which Heart valve sound can be heard on the right side in the 2nd intercostal space? A. Aortic B. Pulmonary C. Tricuspid D. Mitral
*only one on the right
Which Heart valve sound can be heard on the left side in the 2nd intercostal space? A. Aortic B. Pulmonary C. Tricuspid D. Mitral
Which Heart valve sound can be heard on the left side in the 4th intercostal space? A. Aortic B. Pulmonary C. Tricuspid D. Mitral
Which Heart valve sound can be heard on the left side in the 5th intercostal space? A. Aortic B. Pulmonary C. Tricuspid D. Mitral
Which Heart valve sound is found the farthest from the midline? A. Aortic B. Pulmonary C. Tricuspid D. Mitral
*7-9cm left of midsternal line on the left side
What is the heart valve between the right atrium and right ventricle?
What is the heart valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary trunk?
Pulmonary (semilunar)
What is the heart valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
What is the heart valve between the left ventricle and the ascending aorta?