General Anatomy Chiro Essentials 3 Anatomical Spaces Flashcards
The Thoraic outlet is also known as what?
superior thoracic aperture
What are the anterior, lateral and posterior boundaries of the thoracic outlet?
Anterior- Manubrium of sternum
Lateral- 1st ribs (bilateral)
Posterior- T1 vertebral body
The Axilla is bordered anteriorly by the pectoralis major and minor along with what other 3 muscles posteriorly and 1 muscle medially?
Teres Major
Latissimus dorsi
Medially by- Serratus anterior
What ribs are associated as a boundary of the axilla?
upper 4 ribs
The axilla contains what six groups of lymph nodes? *APICAL
A- Anterior (pectoral) P- Posterior (subscapular) I- Infraclavicular C- Central A-Apical L- Lateral (along axillary vein)
Which Plexus run directly through the axilla?
Brachial Plexus
The Quadrangular space is bordered by what 4 structure?
Teres Minor (superior)
Teres Major (Inferior)
Long head of Triceps (medial)
Humerus (lateral)
What nerve passes through the quadrangular space?
Which blood vessels pass through the quadrangular space?
Posterior Circumflex humeral artery and Vein
The Triangular Space is bordered by what 3 structures?
Teres minor (superior) Teres Major (inferior) Long Head of Triceps (lateral)
What branch of the subscapular artery is in the triangular space?
circumflex scapular branch
Where is the Cubital Fossa located on the body?
What are the 2 muscles that help form the cubital fossa?
Pronator teres
What are the contents of the cubital fossa from lateral to medial? (4 things)
radial nerve–>tendon of biceps brachii–>brachial artery–> median nerve
The anatomical snuffbox is formed by tendons from 3 muscles?
extensor pollicus longus
extensor pollicus brevis
Abductor pollicus longus
What artery passes through the anatomical snuffbox?
Radial artery
What four bones help form the roof of the carpal tunnel? *(stop)
STOP Scaphoid Trapezium Os Hamate Pisiform
What nerve passes through the carpal tunnel?
Is the median nerve compessed with carpal tunnel syndrome?
No, it passes just over the retinaculum allowing for sensation of the palm to be intact
What is another name for Guyons canal?
Ulnar tunnel
What artery and nerve are in Guyons canal?
Ulnar A + N
What is the medial border of guyons canal?
What is the lateral border of guyons canal?
The external oblique aponeurosis, internal oblique w/ conjoint tendon and transversalis fascia make up what canal?
Inguinal canal
The extent of the inguinal canal is btwn what two structures?
deep and superficial rings
what nerve passes through the inguinal canal?
ilioinguinal N
What structure in males would pass through the inguinal canal?
spermatic cord
What structure in females would pass through the inguinal canal?
round ligament of uterus
The femoral canal’s medial boundary is what ligament?
Lacunar ligament
The anterior boundary of the femoral canal is which ligament?
Inguinal ligament
Which ligament makes up the posterior boundary of the femoral canal?
Pectineal ligament
What are the 3 ligaments that make up the boundaries of the femoral canal? *(LIP)
Lacunar (M)
Inguinal (A)
Pectineal (P)
*you dont give FEMales any LIP
What is another name for the adductor canal?
Hunters canal
The posterolateral boarder of the hunters canal is made up of what 2 muscles?
adductor magnus
adductor longus
What long muscle makes up the anteromedial boarder of the adductor canal?
*longest muscle in the body
The vastus medialis makes up the anteriolateral boarder of what canal?
adductor (hunters)
Which blood vessels are contained within the adductor canal?
Femoral A +V
What nerve(s) pass through the adductor canal?
nerve to vastus medialis
What fossa would be bordered by the biceps femoris, semitendonosus, semimembranosus and medial/lateral heads of the gastrocnemius?
Popliteal fossa
*back of knee
what 2 nerves are associated with the popliteal fossa?
Tibial N Common Peroneal (fibular) N
Which is the deepest and most superficial structure within the popliteal fossa:
Tibial nerve, popliteal artery, popliteal vein?
Popliteal Artery (DEEPEST) Popliteal Vein (btwn) Tibial N (SUPERFICIAL)
Which tunnel lies behind the medial malleolus and under the flexor retinaculum?
Tarsal Tunnel
What is contained within the tarsal tunnel? (Tom Dick ANd Harry)
(T)ibialis posterior tendon flexor (D)igitorum longus tendon posterior tibial (A)rtery and (N)erve flexor (H)allicus longus tendon