General Anatomy Chiro Essentials 6 Endocrine Anatomy Flashcards
Which endocrine gland is considered to be the MASTER endocrine gland?
A. Thyroid
B. Pancreas
C. Adrenal
D. Pituitary
The pituitary gland lies in the sella turcica, which bone would that be a part of?
Rathke’s pouch is an anterior origin of the pituitary gland, it secretes 5 hormones, what are they? *
FSH- follicle stimulating LH- luteinizing ACTH- adenocortiotropic hormone TSH- thyroid stimulating PRL- prolactin HG- human growth
Of the 5 hormones secretes from Rathke’s pouch, which one would not be signaled for release by the hypothalamus?
*signaled by prolactin inhibiting factor- aka dopamine
Which two of the following would you find stored in the posterior pituitary gland?
C. Oxytocin
ADH and Oxytocin
The Pitutary gland is supplied by which arteries?
A. External Carotid artery
B. Inferior thyroid artery
C. superior and inferior hypohyseal arteries
D. Superior thyroid artery
Superior and inferior hypophyseal arteries
*from the internal carotid artery
Which endocrine gland is H shaped and linked by an isthmus?
Thyroid gland
Which anatomical triangle does the thyroid gland lie in?
Anterior cervical triangle
How much does the thyroid gland weigh?
The thyroid gland is supplied by which Arteries? *SIT
Superior Thyroid artery
Inferior Thyroid artery
Thyroidea Ima
Which thyroid vein does not accompany an artery and travels alone?
inferior thyroid vein
The superior laryngeal nerve innervates which muscle which is the only muscle that tenses the vocal cords
Cricothyroid muscle
What do the parafollicular cells of the thyroid secrete what?
The cubodial cell-lined follicles of the thyroid secrete what from which T3 develops?
Thyroxine T4
The inferior thyroid artery is closely related to what nerve that supplies the intrinsic laryngeal muscles?
Recurrent Laryngeal nerve
The parathyroid glands are usually two pairs of glands, a superior and inferior pair, which pair would be derived from mesoderm in the 4th pharyngeal pouch? What about the 3rd pharyngeal pouch?
Superior Pair (4th)
Inferior Pair (3rd)
The Parathyroid glands are supplied by what artery?
inferior thyroid artery
What are the 2 types of cells present in parathyroid glands?
Chief cells
PTH is secreted by chief cells of the parathyroid glands, PTH does what to calcium in bone?
A. Take calcium out of the bone
B. Nothing
C. Pushes Calcium into the bone
Takes calcium out of the bone
*and into the bloodstream
**PTH helps raise blood calcium levels
What gland is both an exocrine and endocrine gland?
Beta cells of the pancrease secrete what?
Insulin (beta=insulin=bob the builder)
Alpha cells of the pancrease secrete what?
Glucagon (alpha=glucagon=wreck it ralph)
Delta cells of the pancrease secrete what?
What are the three types of cells from the islets of langerhans? *BAD
How many grams does the pancreas weight?
~90 grams
Which of the following are parts of the pancreas? Pick all that apply A. Large head B. small uncinate process C. long tail D. Short neck E. Wide body
The head of the pancreas lies in what C-shaped gastrointestial section?
The tail of the pancreas lies in the hilum of which internal organ?
Which duct would help to carry the exocrine juices of the neck, body and tail of the pancreas?
Main pancreatic duct
The main pancreatic duct joins with the common bile duct to open into the ampulla of _______?
Ampulla of Vater
Which pancreatic ducts drains the head of the pancreas?
Accessory Pancreatic duct
The difference in draining of the head of the pancreas is because it is derived from the ventral pancreatic bud. The rest of the pancreas is derived from which bud?
posterior pancreatic bud
What are the 3 arteries associated with supplying the pancreas? *SIG
Superior pancreaticoduodenal A
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal A
Great Pancreastic A
The outer layer of the adrenal gland is also known as:
A. Medulla
B. Neuroectoderm
C. Cortex
Which adrenal gland is semilunar and larger?
right or left?
Which adrenal gland is Triangular and smaller?
right or left?
The inner layer of the adrenal gland is also known as:
A. Medulla
B. Cortex
*from the neuroectoderm
The Cortex of the adrenal gland has 3 structural zones. What are they? *Salty, sweet, sex
Zona Glomerulosa- Mineralcorticoids- Salty
Zona Fasciculata- Glucocorticoids- Sweet
Zona Reticularis- Sex hormones- Sex
*the deeper you go the sweeter the sex gets
Does the medulla or cortex of the adrenal gland secrete norepi under sympathetic control?
The 3 arteries the supply the adrenal glands are? *SMI its easy
Superior Adrenal A
Middle Adrenal A
Inferior Adrenal A