What is spina bifida?
Baby’s spine and spinal cord don’t develop properly in the womb causing a gap.
Also known as ‘snowflake disability’
What are potential early indicators of the diagnosis?
Due to amniotic fluid around the baby that causes the damage
As a babies getting bigger dinners are getting squashed
All the damage is done and the womb.
How is it diagnosed?
Spina bifida can be diagnosed during pregnancy or after the babies born.
There are screening/prenatal tester to check the spinal bifida and other birth defects
True or false. Spina bifida occulta might not be diagnosed until late childhood or adulthood I might never be diagnosed
What procedures can be done to test for SB
AFP0 Alpha-fetoprotein. High levels in mothers bloodstream can indicate for the SB.
Amniocentesis - taking a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the womb.
Etiology what can cause it ?
The causes are unknown, might be due to;
Genetics nutrition, environmental risk factors and ethnicity
What population does it affect?
Hispanic women have the highest rate of having a child affected by spinal bifida.
True of False. taking folic acid is lower among Hispanic ?
Spina Bifida Occulta
Means hidden spot on the spine The mildest form and most common form Involves a small portion of the spine Doesn't show any symptoms The skin covers the deformity of the spine. Might have a dimple, red or purple coloring or a tuft of hair.
The least common type
The membrane surrounding the spinal cord protrude through the opening causing a lump or sac on the back
Surgery is performed
The spinal cord has developed normally and it undamaged
The child has no neurological problems
The most sever form
The spinal cord does not form properly and a portion of the undeveloped cord protrudes through the back
A sac contained cerebrospinal fluid and blood vessels surrounding the protruding cord which is not covered by skin.
children born with that diagnosis can also experience hydrocephalus
Can cause weakness or paralysis below the level of spinal lesion
Affects bladder and bowel movement.
Common Comorbidities
Hydrocephalus Chaiari II malformation Tethered spinal cord Paralysis, mobility limitation Lack of bladder and bowel control Latex allergy
How is it treated?
Surgery is performed between 23-25 weeks of gestations
Bladder and bowel - toilet regimens, catheterization and medications such as laxatives, enemas and anticholinergics
Hydrocephalus management - Ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
What are the three most common types of Spina Bifida?
Spina bifida occulta, Meningocele, myelomeningocele
What statement described Spina Bifida?
All of the above