Specific Populations - Youth Flashcards
Maximal Oxygen Uptake/VO2 Max
Represents the maximum amount of oxygen that can be extracted from the atmosphere, transported to the working muscle, and taken up and utilized by the exercising tissue. 1
What is VO2 maxed measured in? For Kids & Adults? Why?
Measured in
Absolute: L.min-1
Ratio scaled (divide by body mass): ml.kg-1.min-1
In children and young people, allometric scaling: ml.kg-0.67.min-
Why is VO2 max a physiological characteristic of interest
Sets the limit for ATP generation using oxygen dependent (‘aerobic’) metabolic pathways; therefore has an important influence of performance
Maximal oxygen uptake seems to be linked to markers of health independent of other risk factors e.g. ‘fit but fat’
Maximal Oxygen Uptake vs. ‘Peak’
Plateau’s: only a minority of children and young people attain – and hence use of the term ‘peak’ oxygen uptake in the paediatric literature
Maximal / Peak Oxygen Uptake: Criteria
HR with adults to younger people
Heart rate will be higher than adults
The RER will be lower as a result of lactate not being produced in higher volumes compared to adults
How does “peak” oxygen uptake change with age, and are there differences between males and females ? (Age)
More muscle mass as you age = higher VO2
Males will also have a higher VO2 levels as a result of having testosterone levels compared to women
Body mass in this context isnt takwen into account
How does “peak” oxygen uptake change with age, and are there differences between males and females ? (Gender)
Some girls can have puberty at the age of 9
Lower VO2 for girls as a result of also more fat development
Peak oxygen uptake and age summary
Peak VO2 & Gender. What are the values
Peak VO 2 gradually increases in males (0.25 L.min-1 per year)
Peak VO 2 gradually increases in females (0.125 L.min-1 per year) but perhaps levels off, even falls at 13-15 years
Male values higher than females (10 years: 2-10%; 14 years: 27-31%; 16 years: 37%)
women half then men along with a decrease
What are the reasons for these differences between males and females?
MM, Hae, BM & PA
Boys have greater muscle mass resulting in:
* Facilitates the utilisation of oxygen (more muscle, more places)
* Peripheral muscle pump helps with venous return to heart, boosting Stroke Volum (SV)
Increases in Haemoglobin (Hb) concentration during late teens
* more muscles = higher haemoglobin concetration
Biological maturation
* Independent of chronological age, body size, muscle mass and Hb concentration
* Older males > Older females
Physical activity
* males are more active
Peak Oxygen Uptake & Fat Free mass (Armstrong, 2001)
- The initial model revealed mass, stature and age as significant explanatory variables of VO2, peak with an additional positive effect for stage of maturity.
- Girls’ values were significantly lower than those of boys and a significant age-by-sex interaction described a progressive divergence in boys’ and girls’ VO2, peak.
Fat-free mass was the dominant influence on the growth of VO2, peak but the multilevel regression models demonstrated that, with body size and fatness allowed for, VO2, peak increased with age and maturation in both sexes
Fat = less VO2
Differences in stroke volume
VO2 peak & MSI
VO, peak
boys, 47.2 $ 6.1; girls, 40.4 $ 5.8 mL/kg/min - 16.8% difference
Maximal stroke index
boys, 62 + 9; girls 55 + 9 mL/m - 12.7% difference
SV and body composition contribute to sex-related variations in VO2, max
* Unclear if due to sex differences in relative heart size or dynamic factors influencing ventricular preload and contractility during exercise
Differences in stroke volume: Size
Boys Vs Girls
LBM = Lean Body Mass
VO, peak
Boys 47.9 mL/kg/min
Girls 40.9 mL/kg/min
Boys 19.0 mL/kg LBM(1.33)/min Girls 18.9 mL/kg LBM(1.33)/min
normalized (allometric equation) the difference totally disappeared
Maximal SV was significantly higher in boys than in girls - but when expressed relative to LBM, the difference was no longer significant.
* Contrary to adults, lower SV max was the sole limiting factor of VO, max that distinguished boys from girls
* This difference disappeared when normalised for LBM
Muscle O2 Extraction Dynamics for gender
Girls required a greater fractional O2 extraction to increase work rate and O2 extra tian compared it laya in
during ramp exercise
more muscle = more oxygen uptake
To 10-y-f children is in part, in 9-
related to sex-specific changes in muscle O2, extraction dynamics during incremental exercise
Comparing untrained to trained
How does training increase peak oxygen uptake within in young people? WHY?
CO, B&P volume, SV, MM, L, Bl
Higher maximal cardiac output
Higher blood and plasma volume
Higher haemoglobin concentrations
Higher stroke volume Decreased heart rate
Larger myocardial mass and heart volume?
Increased lung function
Less blood lactate levels compared to adults and untrained youths
What effect does age and maturation have on responses to training?
FFM, 8-10 Increase, 11-18 increase
“trigger point” – Katch (1983)
Young people 8 to 10
Average increase in mass related peak oxygen uptake 6.5%
Young people 11 to 18
Average increase in mass related peak oxygen uptake 5.5
to demonstrate a increase due to training is really difficult because you might see changes due to growth & a lot of young people are fit and active anyways
Pre and pubertal children do get benefits from exercise
Sex differences in response to training?
At the moment no evidence to suggest a difference as a result of a lack of testing
Problems with this conclusion?
* hasnt been looked at within studies
* theres very few studies for female
Arteriovenous oxygen difference between genders
Central factors of heart size and peak cardiac output are proportional to the LBM of the individual and
sex independent.
Sex differences in peripheral factors such as muscle fibre type profile, may affect AVO2 difference and underlie prepubertal boys’ higher peak V O2
How good are you at extracting oxygen from the capilaries
What factors at play when giving
Exercise Prescription
Mode, Frequency, Duration, Intensity and Programme length
Mode: The mode of delievery ie intervals
EP: Mode
What mode of exercise should young people undertake to
improve peak oxygen uptake?
interval or continous exercise
Exercise Prescription: Mode
a variety of exercise modes have been undertaken
- Continuous exercise
- Interval
- Mix of two
- Cycling, running, resistance exercise
Exercise using large muscle groups regardless of mode has the potential to increase peak oxygen uptake
Exercise Prescription: Frequency
How often per week sessions occur
Exercise Prescription: Duration
How long the sessions will last
Exercise Prescription: Intensity
Most likely to come up in an exam
How intense a programme is in terms of heart rate
Exercise Prescription: Programme Length
how long the programme is
EP: Frequency
What is the minimum frequency of exercise that young people should undertake to improve peak oxygen uptake?
With 2 exceptions frequency was 3 to 4 sessions a week in all studies
EP: Duration
What duration of training do young people need to
undertake to improve peak oxygen uptake?
Duration varied from 12 to 90 min, range 20 to 40 min
In general training sessions of 40 to 60 min most
EP: Intensity
What intensity of exercise should young people undertake
to improve peak oxygen uptake?
- This appears to be crucial
- Massicotte and Macnab (1974)
- Boys trained for 12 min, 3 times a week, for 6 weeks
- 66 to 72% of heart rate max
- 75 to 80% of heart rate max
- 88 to 93% of heart rate max
- Only group who trained at highest intensity improved peak oxygen uptake
EP: Programme lenght
What length of training programme do young people need to undertake to improve peak oxygen uptake?
Programme Length
* Ranged from 6 to 20 weeks
* Stoedefalke and colleagues (2000) trained post menarcheal girls for 20 weeks - no changes
* Massicotte and Macnab 1974 trained boys for 6 weeks -
10.8% increase
* Prudent to recommend proaramme of 1) weeks
EP: Intensity
High intensity interval training: Outline
Costigan et al., (2015) High-intensity interval training for
improving health-related fitness in adolescents: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med
* examined adolescents(13–18 years)
* examined health-related fitness outcomes;
* involved an intervention of
≥4 weeks in duration;
* included a control or moderate intensity comparison group;
* prescribed high intensity activity (e.g., 85–95% peak heart rate or 80–100% peak work rate)
High intensity interval training: results
* Mean difference = 2.6 mLkg−1ꞏ min −1, 95% CI 1.8 to 3.3, p<0.001
* The effects of HIIT on cardiorespiratory fitness were large (d=1.05, 95%
CI 0.36 to 1.75) and body composition were medium
* Study duration was a moderator for the effect of HIIT on body fat percentage
- Intervention effects for waist circumference and muscular fitness were not statistically significant
* HIIT is a feasible and time-efficient approach for improving
cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition in adolescent