Critical Pedagogy Flashcards
What is Critical Pedagogy (Who wrote it)
unintentionally Serve
- Is an educational theory based on the idea that schools typically serve the interests of those who have power in a society by, usually unintentionally, perpetually unquestioned norms for relationships, expectations, and behaviors” (Billings, 2019).
Why is Critical Pedagogy Important
Recognize, Empower, Encourage and Emphasis
Recognizes systems and patterns of oppression within society at-large and education more specifically, and in doing so, decreases oppression and increases freedom
empowers students through enabling them to recognise the ways in which “dominant power operates in numerous and often hidden ways
encourages students and instructors to challenge commonly accepted assumptions that reveal hidden power structures, inequities, and injustices
emphasis on the importance of relationships, which are constructed upon mutual recognition, acceptance and trust, resonates with the philosophy of critical pedagogy (Freire,
- the academic framing of critical pedagogy within SfD is often applied using relatively broad strokes.
- Because of that the root issue of a “dominant power oppresing” isnt exposed as much
- Can be hard to encompass within the learning environment for marginalised communities
How to counter these Drawbacks (Spaaj, 2013)
aware, pedagogy, education
Being aware of the daily challenges
propose that programmes need to consider which teaching methods are most likely to increase awareness of social issues and develop a sense of agency among participants.
that the educational process should be directive, without being authoritarian or manipulative.
How dop you make the educational process directive - Belgium
In Belgium implemented the practice of a ‘sharing circle’ where programme leaders and participants came together to create a reflective and open conversational culture
What might you need to consider when using teaching methods
response and reflex in teaching
Making them aware of their situation might work but teaching them to want more from life
The necessity to be responsive and reflexive in teaching practice is also noted. Irrespective, the implementation of pedagogical methods that are sensitive and responsive to the needs of learners is presented as fundamental (Spaaij & Jeanes,Citation2013).
Themes of Critical Pedagoy
Dialogue, Critical Perspective, Praxis
- basis on which to problematise, create knowledge and ‘give voice’ to the marginalised (or oppressed).
- Is why critical theory is centred around having the learners and teachers being equal as it gives them more of a voice
Critical Consious (Vaughan, 2011)
enables participants to reflect upon their lived experience (Vaughan,Citation2011).
the intentional process of reflection and action that is directed towards the structures of society to be transformed.