Leadership in Sports Flashcards
Psychological Outcomes of Leadership
The impact of Leader behaviours on an athlete
Behaviour & Performance in leadership
impact of leadership
Impact of the Athletes Psychology on their behaviours
Time spent doing extra training
Effort invested in training
Performance during competition
Sacrifices made for sport
Leadership (Northhouse, 2001, p.3)
“the process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal”
Problems with the defintion of Leadership
Is hard to define as a result of it possibly being as a result of it being influence or because of the power
Fails to define good leaders and bad leaders
Is based on the theory that suits someones argument
Good leaders are
A good listener
Good execution of ideas
Good leadership
Bad Leader
good ideas but poor execution
Leadership is bad
Emergent Leaders
Come from the group itself as a result of skill/ability
Could be nominated from the team
All the Athletes will have worked with them
Prescribed leader
Appointed by governing bodies such as coaches
Autocratic/Task Oriented Leadership
Is authoritative
focused on results
Doesn’t look at external advice or what the athletes need
Is good at making quick decisions
Democratic/Social Oriented Leadership
socialable leader
Want to hear from the athletes based on the decision
Activity encourages group involvement
Adopts a more informal/relaxed approach
The leader does make the final decision
athletes do get to put input in
Takes a while to make decisions
Athletes can work on their own when away from the coach
Laissez-faire Leadership
The leader stands aside & allows the group to make their decision
Group members get on with a given thing
May help out mebers but not offer directions
Group members tends to be aggressive towards each other when things went wrong and give up easy
Trait Approach to Leadership
Athletes are born as successful leader
Behavioural Approach to Leadership
Leaders are made and taught
Internationalist Theory to Leadership
Considers other factors that could affect the effectiveness of leadership mainly the interaction between people
Relationship centered leaders
Focused on developing relationships with the people in the group
Work hard to maintain communication with members
Helps maintain levels of social interaction between members and themselves
Develop respect
Task Oriented Leaders
Creates the plans
Decides on priorities of the athletes
Assign members to the task
A forward or the back
Ensures the mebers stay on tasks
Tends be more effective with less experienced athletes
Social learning Theory to Leadership
Suggests people learn to be good leaders by observing behaviours of other good leaders in a variety of situations.
reproducing those behaviours in similar situations and then continuing them should they be reinforced.
Problem with the types of leader theories
context of sport and characteristics
Despite appeal of situational theories and other interactional approaches to the study of leadership, when sport specific research emerged, the results provided minimal support to theories derived from outside sport contexts (Horn, 2002).
Some theorists suggested main problem with attempting to transpose general theories of leadership to sports settings is the failure to consider the unique characteristics of sports teams (Chelladurai & Carron, 1978; Terry & Howe, 1984).
The need for the
Task Oriented Leaders
Relationship Centred Leaders
People can change from a relationship-oriented style to a task oriented style and vice versa, depending on the situation
Multidimensional Model of Leadership
Chelladurai (1978, 1990, 1993)
Conceptual framework allowing leadership effectiveness be studied in sports domain.
Effective leadership is dynamic & based on complex series of interactions between leader, group members and situation
Behaviour doe not occur in a vacuum and happens in different scenarious
Leader Behaviours: Actual
What a leader does in a situation based on experience
Leader Behaviours: Preferred
Behaviour that followers would like to see in the leader
Leader Behaviours: Required
Behaviour required by a situation or taste
Antecedents: Situational Characteristics
what situations can happen within sports
Opposition strengths
Task difficulty
Group size
Nature of Activity
Available time
Antecedents: Leader Characteristics
What skills do they have
What qualifications do they have
What is their personality
What experience do they hav
Antecedents: Member/Athlete Characteristics
Athletes Age
Athletes Gender
Athletes Personality
Athletes Motivation
Athletes Competence
Athletes Experience
Transactional Leadership (Beauchamp, 2014)
plus ultra
Takes place when leaders go beyond their own self-interests and inspire, encourage, and stimulate others to exceed minimally expected standards” (Beauchamp, 2014)
Transactional Leadership
Involves a series of exhanges or transactions between the leader & follower
Encourages followers to meet previously agreed upon standards
How does Transactional Improve motivation
why is going above good
Being a role model for followers that inspires them and makes them interested
Connection the followers sense of identity
Challenging followers to take greater owenership for their work
Understanding the followers strengths and weakness
Impact of Transformational Leadership
Transformational leadership improves Intrisict motivation and Sports Performance
It also improves Group Cohesion & Comunication
Issues of transformational Research
correlation, varriable, identity
Reliance on Correlation data
Overemphasis of theory on leadership process at the dyadic level and doesnt understand team cohesion
Insufficient specification of situational variables in Transformational leadership
Theory does not explicitly identify any situation where transformational leadership is detrimental.
Meta Cognitive model of vision support & challenge
(coach & consequence)
Makes a distinction between what the coach does (i.e. coach behaviours) and the consequences of these coach behaviours (i.e. an athlete’s meta-cognitions) in the same model.
Meta Cognitive model of vision support & challenge: Vision
inspire, role model, group
Inspirational motivation
Developing & articulating positive vision of the future
Inspiring others to achieve that vision
Expressing belief in others that they can achieve this
Appropriated role modelling
Behaviour by leader that sets example for others to follow (consistent with values that leader/organisation supports
Fosters accepntance of group goals
Behaviour by leader aimed at promoting cooperation among followers
Getting them to work together towards common goal
Developing teamwork
Meta Cognitive model of vision support & challenge Support
Meta = leadership
Individual consideration
Recognise individual differences
Demonstrate concern for development of
Contingent Rewards
Positive reinforcement for appropriate follower
Meta Cognitive model of vision support & challenge: Challenges
high and environment
High performance expectations
Behaviours by leader that demonstrated his/her expectation for excellence in followers
Intellectual Stimulation
Create an environment that nurtures creative and proactive innovative thinking
Single Leader Assumption
Leadership is a single-handed, heroic
performance that is the property of the indiviadual
Leadership is socially - constructed with followers in context
An athlete can change coaches BUT the more skilled they are the harder it is to possibly change coaches
Coaches cant work with everyone