Fitness testing Flashcards
Lab testing
procedure for assessing ability in a particular endeavour
Why is fitness testing done
To monitor progression, engagement and performance
To provide a baseline data on what an athlete needs and as a point of reference later into the season
Field Testing
used to assess ability that is. Performed away from the lab and dent require extensive training or equipment
a process of analysing test results for the purpose of decision making
When is Fitness testing done
Pre-season, Mid-season and Post-season
Why is fitness testing done for the Pre-season
A test undertaken before the beginning of training to determine an athletes intial basic ability to see strengths and weaknesses
Why is fitness testing done for the Midseason
A test undertaken during a training periods to assses and modify reponse to a programme
Why is fitness testing done for the Post Season
A test taken after a training period to see after a training period if it was successful of the training programme in achieving the training objective
Types of Validity
reliable and validity
Reliable, Not Valid
Both Reliable & Valid
Unreliable, But valid
Unreliable & Unvalid
Validity Construct
(Face, Content and criterion are subset)
Validity Construct: Face
At face value the athlete needs to appreciate the validity of the test
Validity Construct: Content
Expert opinions given about the test
Doing a sprint test for an endurance runner
Validity Construct: Criterion
Is the test measuring what the lab tests would show
Is the multi-stage fitiness test close to the VO2 max test
Validity Construct: Other
what makes fitness testing valid
Specific to sport / activity
*Produce repeatable results (reliability)
*Be Interesting
*Be meaningful
*At a suitable difficulty
*Allow accurate scoring
*Allow ability differentiation
Test and re-test ability
How consitent is the outcome