Special tests (ALL PASSIVE) Flashcards
Painful arc test
- Have patient standing up with arms out and palms facing towards u
- Get patient to pull both arms up to the top like an arc and check for pain on way up
Speed’s test
- Patient standing with elbow supinated and in extension by his side
- Ask patient to bring elbow up to 90 degrees and try and lift while you resist his movements
Crank test
- Have patient in supine
- Bring shoulder out diagonally and flex the elbow to 90 degrees
- Put into internal and external rotation repeatedly
Empty can test
- Patient standing with arms out and up at 90 degrees then face palms away from yourself with thumbs pointing to floor as if emptying a can
- Then they must resist downwards pressure from you
Full can test
- Patient standing with arms out and up at 90 degrees with palms facing towards you and thumbs pointing up if holding a full can
- Then they must resist downwards pressure from you
Hawkins Kennedy test
- Have patient sitting with elbow flexed to 90 and arm inwards towards your body
- Then fixate the scapula with one hand and hold onto the patients elbow with the other hand
- Push elbow down
Sulcus sign test
- Patient standing and you stand behind them
- Grab just below patients elbow and pull down while stabilising on other shoulder
- You are looking for a little dip under the acromion or subluxation feeling
Load and shift test
- Patient in sitting position with straight posture and arms resting on thighs
- With one hand stabilise clavicle and with other hand grab humeral head
- push the humeral head back and forth
Apprehension relocation test
- Patient in supine
- Put patients arm into external rotation asking for any uncomfort of subluxation
- Positive test patient should report fear of subluxation at greater ranges of external rotation
Scarf test
- Patient in standing
- Bring patients arm up to 90 degrees flexion and bring elbow inside towards body
- One hand on Scapula to stabilise and other hand on their elbow pushing it into adduction
- Positive test will be pain at ACJ
ULNTT – upper limb neural tension test
- Patient in supine
- Depress shoulder slightly and flex arm to 90
- Extend wrist and elbow until symptoms appear
Medial collateral ligament - valgus stress test
- Patient sitting on bed with arm out supinated
- Grab just above their elbow with one hand and forearm with other
- Sort of move arm into eversion while stabilising elbow
Lateral collateral ligament – varus stress
- Patient sitting on bed with arm out supinated
- Grab just above their elbow with one hand and forearm with other
- Sort of move arm into inversion while stabilising elbow
Annular ligament palpation
- Patient in sitting on bed
- Palpate just below the elbow line with arm supinated
- Look for pain and move arm into supination and pronation to feel roll
Mills test
- Patient sitting on bed with arm forward
- Bring wrist into flexion and flex their third finger
- Or put wrist in flexion and get them to push up against ur resistance
- Looking for pain by elbow to look for tennis elbow
Grip test
Power grip test - Get them to squeeze your forearm with both their hands and compare power
Pincer grip test - Get them to make a pincer with all their fingers. Can add resistance by trying to seperate their grip
Tap test - Just get them to radial and ulnar deviate as if they are turning a tap
TFCC load test (triangular fibrocartilage
- Patient in sitting with wrist forward in supination
- Passively put their wrist into ulnar deviation and move it back and forth looking for clicking or pain
Phalens test
- Looking for carpal tunnel or any tingling or numbness
- Get them to pray in reverse and bring elbows down whilst keeping hands in the same place and hold for 30 seconds
Tinels test
- Patient sitting with their wrist forwards in supine
- Just tap heir wrist for a while looking for tingling
Finkelsteins test
- Patient sitting with their hand forward sideways and ball a fist with thumb tucked in
- Get them to ulnar deviate actively and passively and looking for pain over thumb line
Scaphoid palpation test
- Get them to extend their thumb towards themself
- Look for little triangle hole and palpate downwards and don’t go too high
Quadrant test
- Patient supine and put them into hip flexion
- Hands should be both in the pit behind the knee
- Flex knee and then scoop left right and then back