Muscle tests (ALL RESISTED) Flashcards
Tibialis anterior test
- Dorsiflexion and inversion
- Resist down and out towards eversion and planterflexion
Tibialis posterior test
- Planterflexion and inversion
- Push up and out towards eversion for resistance
FHL test (Flexor Hallucis Longus) (Big toe)
- Get patient to Flex the end part of the big toe
- Resist by pushing up
FDL (Flexor Digitorum longus) (foot)
- Get patient to Flex all the other toes end part one by one
- Resist by pushing up
EHL test (Extensor Hallucis Longus) (Big toe)
- Get patient to extend end part of big toe
- Push down on it for resistance
EDL test (Extensor Digitorum Longus) (foot)
- Get patient to extend end part of all the other toe
- Push down on them for resistance
Gastrocnemius test
- Get patient to lie in prone with their feet hanging off the bed
- Put your thigh by the patients foot and ask them to push their toes into your thigh
Soleus test
- Get patient to lie prone with their knee flexed to 90 degrees
- Put your arm on their heel with their sole across your arm
- Get them to push into your arm
Peroneals test
- Resist patient doing eversion
Quadriceps as a group test
- Patient sitting with both legs off bed
- Grab around the middle of their leg and get them to kick out into your hand
VMO (Quads) test
- Patient lying in supine
- Put hand under one knee to slightly flex it and place it on their other knee cap
- Hold the ankle with your other hand
- Get them to push their leg into your hand by straightening
Rectus Femoris test (Quads)
- Patient lying in supine with one leg hanging off the side of the bed
- Put your leg against their foot and get them to drive their thigh up to the ceiling and kick out at your leg
Hamstrings as a group test
- Patient in prone with knee bent 90 degrees
- Get them to pull heel towards their bum and u resist
Lateral Bicep femoris test (Hamstrings)
- Patient in prone with knee bent 90 degrees
- Push on lateral side of their heel and get them to push their heel towards their front
Medial Semitendinosus &
Semimembranosus test (Hamstring)
- Patient in prone with knee bent 90 degrees
- Internally rotate their foot while getting them to pull up towards their bum
Sartorius test
- Sit on edge of bed and pull one foot up towards their other knee
- Then push down on their lifted leg while they try to push up
Gracilis test
- Patient lie on their side but bring top leg over like they are spooning
- Put hand on their back leg hamstring and get them to push up into your hand
Tensor Fascia Latae test
- Patient lie on their side but bring bottom leg over
- Grab the side of their top leg and get them to push up into your hand
Gastrocnemius test
- Patient lying prone with feet hanging off end of the bed
- Get them to plantarflex their toes into your thigh
Popliteus test
- Patient lying prone with feet hanging off the end of the bed with one foot slightly lifted
- Get them to hold internal rotation of their foot whilst you rotate their leg into external rotation
Iliopsoas test
- Patient sitting off end of bed
- Get them to lift their knee up and resist it pushing downwards
Sartorius test
- Patient sitting off end of the bed
- Get them to bring their heel up inside their knee
- Get them to push knee up while u resist down
Quads as a group test (HIP)
- Patient sitting off end of the bed
- Get them to go into knee extension and you resist by pushing in
Gluteus maximus test
- Patient in prone with knee bent and get them to drive heel towards ceiling
- Touch their thigh area and push down
Glute med/Glute min test
- Patient lying in side with bottom leg bent up towards hip flexion
- One hand on the hip and the other on the upper leg thigh
- Get them to push upper leg towards ceiling while u resist
Adductors as a group test
- Patient on their side with top leg over at the front in hip flexion and bottom leg straight at the back
- Get them to push their bottom leg up whilst u resist downwards
Gemelli (as a group) test
- Patient in supine
- Resist external rotation of their hip
Anterior Deltoid test
- Patient sitting on bed
- Get them to punch into your hand with their elbow bent while u resist
Middle deltoid test
- Patient sitting on bed
- Put them in same position for punch put get them to push up while u push their higher arm down
Posterior deltoid test
- Patient sitting on bed
- Put them in punch position and get them to push back against ur hand with their elbow
Upper Trapezius test
- Patient sitting on bed
- Get them to shrug their shoulders up while u put ur hands on them
Middle and lower Trapezius test
- Patient lying in prone
- Get them to retract their shoulders and depress
- Whilst you protract and elevate their scapula
Rhomboids test
- Patient lying in prone
- Get them to retract their shoulders
- Push straight down towards the bed
Latissimus dorsi test
- Patient lying in prone
- Get them to externally rotate their arm in prone
- Resist just above the elbow get them to push up
Biceps brachii short head test
- Patient sitting
- Get them to resist elbow flexion with elbow at their side
Biceps brachii long head test
- Patient sitting
- Straighten their elbow to extension for long head
- Resist them pushing their elbow up
Triceps brachii test
- Patient sitting
- Get behind them and get them to push their arm into your hand behind them
Infraspinatus test
- Patient sitting
- Resist external rotation with hands by their side
Subscapularis test
- Patient sitting
- Resist internal rotation with hands by their side
Supraspinatus test
- Patient sitting
- Resist abduction (pushing their arm out)
Teres minor test
- Patient sitting
- Resist external rotation and abduction (pushing their arm out)
Pectoralis major test (Sternal & clavicular fibres (90 &
150 degrees)
- Patient lying in supine
- Bring their arm across slightly to the opposite shoulder only a tiny bit
- Then bring it back and stretch it straight up
- resist these movements
Serratus anterior test
- Patient lying in supine
- Get them to put their arm out like superman and push up whilst u resist
Sternocleidomastoid test
- Patient lying in supine
- Get them to rotate their head to the right
- Then get them to lift their head into your hand with little resistance
Brachioradialis test
- Patient in sitting
- Get them to resist elbow flexion with their hand on its side with thumb facing up
Brachialis test
- Patient in sitting
- Get them to resist elbow flexion with their hand fully pronated
Extensor digitorum test
- Resist all four fingers at once get them to push up into your hand
Extensor carpi radialis longus test
- Put hand in fist and push into extension then radial deviation and resist
- Keep arm long for longus
Extensor carpi radialis brevis test
- Put hand in fist and push into extension then radial deviation and resist
- Bend elbow for brevis
Extensor carpi ulnaris test
- Put hand in fist and push into extension and ulnar deviation then resist
Extensor digiti minimi test
- Extension of little finger resisted
Flexor carpi radialis test
- Put hand in fist and push into flexion and radial deviation then resist
Flexor carpi ulnaris test
- Put hand in fist and push into flexion and ulnar deviation then resist
Flexor Digitorum Profundus test
- Resist flexion of all the very end segments of finger
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis test
- Resist flexion of all the 2nd segments of finger
Palmar interossei (PAD) test
- Have their fingers laying flat with hand pronated
- Put your fingers inbetween their gaps and get them to squeeze together
Dorsal interossei (DAB) test
- Have their fingers laying flat with hand pronated
- Put your fingers inbetween their gaps and get them to open their fingers out into your fingers
Lumbricals test
- Get them to do a crocodile grip and put a piece of paper in the gap and get them to keep it there
Flexor Pollicis longus test
- Resist flexion of their top part of thumb
Flexor Pollicis brevis test
- Resist flexion of the 2nd part of the thumb
Extensor Pollicis longus test
- Resist extension of their top part of thumb
Extensor Pollicis brevis test
- Resist extension of their 2nd part of thumb
Abductor Pollicis longus test
- Resist abduction of their top part of thumb
- Have hand sideways and abduction is towards body
Abductor Pollicis brevis test
- Resist abduction of their 2nd part of thumb
- Have hand sideways and abduction is towards body
Adductor Pollicis test
- Resist adduction of their top part of thumb
- Have hand sideways and adduction is away from body
Opponens Pollicis
- Get patient to put thumb and pinky together
- Try to move them away with them resisting