SP - ASCH'S STUDY - 1951 Flashcards
asch’s aim
to see how group pressure affects group tasks with an obvious answer
results of original study
75% of participants conformed at least once
conclusions of the study
even in an unambiguous situation there is a strong group pressure to conform, especially if there is a unanimous majority.
pros of the study
- highly valid data was gathered due to highly control conditions inside a laboratory
- the study produced a lot of applications due to the simplicity of the task - can explain normative AND informative conformity
cons of the study
- does not represent whole society because they only did the experiment on men of similar age and backgrounds -> lacks generalizability
- gender variable creates a bias - skewed toward men
- Americans are taught to care for themselves ‘individualistic society’ and how they appear, collectivist may see higher levels of conformity?
- the artificial environment may have harmed the study due to social desirability as they thought they were helping the research
V1 - size of group findings
the bigger the group, the more likely we are to conform - less than 2 conformity drops to about 10% but 3 it is 31.8%
what is deindividuation
when you are not by yourself you are more likely to do what the group does - when you remove your own opinion to go along with the group
V2 - group decision findings
if the decision is unanimous then conformity increases
how does a dissenter apply in V2
they go against the majority and the confederates - decreased to 5%
V3 - difficulty of task findings
on a harder task conformity rose to 81%
how does informative social influence apply to V3
if a problem is harder you are more likely to be wrong so look to peers for information to assist you
what are nAffiliators
people how have a strong need for affiliation and want to relate to others so would usually comply
what does Lucas et al tell us
participants conformed more to incorrect answers when the maths questions were difficult - affirms V3
what were conformity rates when the answers were written down and why
12.5% - people felt more comfortable to have their opinion privately - normative social influence cannot influence them