Sources - Occupations And Military Flashcards
A small number of men who lived off an ancestral inheritance or their own careful investments would not need to work for a living. These man were known as ___________
__________ dominated the unpaid positions in government treating those of lower rank as too _____________ positions of such high rank
One way in which patricians gained wealth was through _____________. The wealthy landowner would earn profit from what his workers produced
The quality of living in Ancient Rome did not only consist of the extremes. There were many who occupied the financial middle ground. What sort of jobs would these people have
Tradesmen Craftsmen Architects Sculptors Doctors Clothing and jewellery designers Slave deelers Breeders of fine horses Shrews businessmen
What were the 4 classes in the Roman empire
The upper class (patricians) The middle class The working class (plebians) Slaves and freedmen
The working class were also known as ___________
The majority of the Roman population were ____________ who occupied the positions of menial labour
What was the main problem for plebians
It was difficult for a free man to hold a job when a slave could do the same job for free
What is ironic about how slaves were treated
It was often better than plebians
Why were slaves often treated fairly well
Because it was in the best interest of the owner feed their slave well and keep them healthy because slaves were worth a lot of money.
Some slaves were even taught how to do skilled work such as _________, ____________ and farm administration. Why did their owners do this
It saved them from having to pay a skilled worker
What was the hierarchy on a farm
Landowner (patrician) Farm manager (middle class) Foreman/supervisor (Skilled slave/middle class) Skilled workers/accounters (Skilled slave/middle class) Labourer (plebian or slave)
Farm hierarchy:
Landowner (_________)
Farm manager (________ class)
Foreman/supervisor (Skilled slave/middle class)
Skilled workers/accounters (Skilled slave/middle class)
Labourer (_________ or slave)
Who was cicero
Born into a wealthy middle class family and was well educated and became one of the most succesful lawyers in Rome - eventually became consul
Why should we be cautious when reading Cicero’s views and opinions on occupations and work?
He was very wealthy - he wouldn’t know too much on the poor.
He would have written things which suited himself
Jobs requiring education -either middle class citizens or trained slaves:
Unskilled jobs - carried out by plebians and slaves:
Baker Fishmonger Farm kabourer Mill worker Gladiator
How was the Roman army arranged: 5000 legionaries (Romans) would form a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A legion would be split into \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ (80 men) controlled by a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The centuries would be split into smaller groups with different \_\_\_\_\_\_ to perform
How was the Roman army arranged
5000 legionaries (Romans) would form a legion A legion would be split into centuries (80 men) controlled by a centurion The centuries would be split into smaller groups with different jobs to perform
Roman soldiers had to be tough - they were expected to march up to _____ miles a day wearing all their armour and carrying their food and tents
Roman soldiers were trained to fight well and defend themselves. If the enemy shot arrows at them they would use their shields to surround their bodies and protect themselves. What was this known as
The Turtle
What did Romans fight with
Short swords
Daggers for stabbing
A long spear for throwing
Shield and armour for protection
How were Romans recruited for the army
They were interviewed
What did all Romans have to have to join the army
Big arms
Long fingers
Powerful shoulders
How did training work in the Roman army
They had to swear a military oath The training was physically hard They had to march 20 miles a day with heavy armour They had to be good at jumping, running and swimming They had to be able to: throw a javelin Build a camp March Make ramparts Build catapults
What weapons would a Roman soldier have
A javelin (pilon) - a wooden shaft 1.5 meters (they fought with a stabbing technique rather than a slashing one)
How were legionaries payed
Always the same during war and peace - 200 denerii
They would get a lot of money when they retired
What was an optio
Second in command - double pay of a legionary but had to wait until the centurion dies to get promotion
What was a signifier
A standard bearer
What was a primuspilus
The most important centurion - much older
What was a legatus
Commander - lived in luxurious house. It’s a job you couldn’t work your way up to.
What was a tribune
Above a centurion but below legatus
How do we get evidence about the Roman army and their soldiers
Inscriptions especially the military tombstones
D M stands for ______ __________ which translates as:
Dis Manibus
To the spirits of the departed
Romans always had ___ names
H S E stands for _____ _______ _____ which translates as:
Hic status est
Heirs put up this tomb
Advantages of being in the Roman army
Good pay (paid during peacetime) Good status Physically healthy Guaranteed job for 25 years Good retirement
Disadvantages of being in the Roman army
Hard training