Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Flashcards
Inability to create sounds or speak
Emphasizes the individual’s experiences of distressing somatic symptoms plus abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to these symptoms rather than the absence of a medical explanation for these somatic
Somatic symptom disorder
Individuals assuming an opposite emotional stance, showing inappropriate indifference in the face of seemingly tragic and overwhelming medical events
La belle indifference
Indicative of a disease
Characterized as having physical complaints that are without clear cause
Illness anxiety disorder
The tendency to derive one’s own bodily sensations as being unusually intense, aversive, and distressing
Somatosensory amplification
Easy access to medical and diagnostic information via the internet has spawned a mutation of this phenomenon known as ___
A type of somatic disorder, having been described since antiquity. The affected individual experiences a loss or change in physical functioning that suggests the presence of a physical disorder but cannot be explained on the basis of any known physiologic mechanism. In other word, this loss or change does not exist outside the individual’s own personal experience
Conversion disorder
Considered when the individual has a symptom (or actual medical condition) as well as significant psychological or behavioral factors that adversely affect the medical condition
Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions
In this condition, the person displays physical and psychological symptoms that are intentionally produced and are completely under the person’s voluntary control (as with malingering), but there is no obvious reason for voluntarily producing the symptoms except, possibly, to take on the sick role and receive increased attention
Factitious disorder
A variant of the factitious disorder, but this disorder typically occurs within the context of a relationship between the parent and child. This condition occurs when then parent or caregiver deliberately falsifies the child’s (or another adult’s or pet’s) medical history and subjects the child to unnecessary medical procedures (including unnecessary surgeries) and unneeded hospitalizations
Munchausen by proxy