Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
Considered the most common and frequently occurring mental disorders. Often chronic in nature, these disorders are associated with severe impairments across interpersonal and social domains
Anxiety disorders
A mood state wherein a person anticipates future danger or misfortune with apprehension. This response causes a markedly negative effect consisting primarily of tension and somatic features
A normal part of a child’s development, but when it persists past a certain age or significantly impacts activities, then it can be a problem
Separation anxiety
Considered a rare disorder. Formerly known as elective mutism, is characterized by the child’s inability to speak in certain settings where speaking is expected while they are able to speak in other settings
Selective mutism
Used to describe an extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations
Defined as any persistent, unreasonable, and irrational fear of a specific object (dogs or cats) or situation (flying, heights, animals, receiving an injection, or seeing blood) that causes intense distress
Specific phobia
Excessive or unreasonable fear of animals and insects
Animal phobia
At a very early age some children develop fears of situations or events occurring in nature (ex;heights, storms, water)
Natural environment phobias
Those with these phobias fear needles or invasive medical procedures
Blood-injection-injury phobias
People who have this phobia would have difficulty using public transportation (ex; buses, trains, and airplanes), or being in enclosed places such as elevators
Situational phobia
Commonly referred to as performance anxiety, a condition in which a person fears performing publicly lest he or she be revealed as inept, foolish, or inadequate thereby suffering disgrace, humiliation, or embarassment
Social anxiety disorder
Being unable to urinate when others are present (aka bashful bladder)
The fear of blushing
Recurrent and unexpected panic attacks that last for a very short time, usually within minutes, accompanied by intense fear or discomfort
Panic disorder
Literally means “fear of the marketplace.” This includes the fear of the likelihood of suddenly becoming ill, not being able to escape, or not being able to receive immediate help. The person is afraid of being incapacitated or embarrassed
In this type of avoidance, the person removes him- or her- self from situations or activities that might evoke the physiological arousal that resembles the beginnings of a panic attack
Interoceptive avoidance
Individuals with this disorder do not focus on any particular object, situation, or person. Rather, the anxiety they suffer pervades their entire lives and significantly interferes in all aspects of life functioning
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
The kind of anxiety experienced but not attached to any specific situation
Free-floating anxiety