Feeding and Eating Disorders Flashcards
Characterized by a person’s appetite for substances that are largely nonnutritive
A wave-like movement that propels food particles through the digestive track
A hard indigestible mass trapped in the gastrointestinal system, usually the stomach
A condition in which the stomach cannot empty food properly
Involves the repetitive regurgitation of undigested food (or rumination) from the stomach back up into the mouth
Rumination disorder
A condition in which the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus or the tube from the mouth to the stomach
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
A problem with a baby’s stomach that causes forceful vomiting, which happens when the baby’s narrowed (stenosed) pylorus that connects the stomach and the small intestine swell and thickens, keeping food from moving into the intestine
Pyloric stenosis
An eating disorder that prevents the consumption of certain foods. The child is severely harmed due to selective or restrictive eating habits
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
During an episode of the ____, the individual severely limits calorie intake (for at least the past 3 months), but does not regularly engage in binge eating or purging behavior. These individuals are described as highly controlled, rigid, and obsessive
Restricting type of anorexia nervosa
Individuals with the ____ regularly engage (minimally for at least the past 3 months) in weight control behaviors such as self-induced vomiting and/or misuse of laxatives, enemas, or diuretics. The person alternates between periods of perfectionism (with rigid control) and impulsive binge-eating behavior.
Bing eating/purging type of anorexia nervosa
Defined as an episode in which the individual eats “out of control” and is unable to resist the temptation to consume certain foods
Binge eating
Ingesting a much larger amount of food than most people would eat under similar circumstances in a limited period of time
Where the individual eats small amounts of food almost continuously
Defined as any activity aimed at ameliorating the perceived negative effects of a binge on body shape and weight
A measure of one’s weight calculated in kilograms in relationship to height calculated in meters
Body mass index (BMI)
Chronically low blood pressure
Slow heartbeat
Irregular heartbeat
Cardiac arrythmia
A condition caused by the kidney’s reaction to an extreme lack or loss of potassium, which may be caused by some diuretic medications
Hypokalemic alkalosis
The physical discomfort of abdominal distension caused by the amount of food eaten
The byproducts of repeated and constant friction of fingers being scraped back and forth across incisor teeth to induce vomiting
Russell’s signs (dorsal lesions)
The most common eating disorder among adults in the United States. Characterized by excess food intake without the subsequent purging episodes that are a part of bulimia
Binge-eating disorder
Excess body fat resulting from the long-term excess of energy intake relative to energy expenditure