SOG Flashcards
Hazard flagging
Red And white striped or chevron, no lettering
Life hazard tape/ no go
Immediate life safety threat or danger to emergency responders.
Examples are electrical wires and hazards, potential collapse zones, structural hazards, or any identified hazard that has the potential to injure or kill an emergency worker or civilian.
All companies shall carry a minimum of one role of life hazard tape
Hazard flagging
Red with black lettering
Red fire line/hazmat tape: danger
Prevent emergency personnel from entering unless instructed to do so by the incident commander or his/her designee
This tape can be used to identify the hot zone at hazmat incidents
All companies shall carry a minimum of one roll of red fire line tape
Hazard flagging
Yellow with black lettering
Yellow fire line tape: caution
Keep the public away from an incident, command post, or a hazardous situation that is not life-threatening.
A hazard that may be life-threatening to the public should be flagged with fire line caution tape and have an emergency responder from fire, law-enforcement, or public works assigned to monitor.
This tape can be used to secure the warm zone in Decon areas of hazmats
All companies shall carry minimum of one roll of yellow fire line tape
Hazard flagging
Hot or fluorescent pink
Wildland tape
Escape routes the words escape route should be written on the tape with a black sharpie. This tape can also be used to mark safety zones.
All companies should carry a minimum of one roll of wildland tape
Notification of life safety hazards add an incident
Upon identification of the life safety hazard, it must be immediately reported to the IC via priority traffic (now emergency)
Flagging of Hazzard
A. Life safety hazards must be flagged at a minimum of 25 foot radius around the hazard. Illumination is recommended.
B. Life safety tape should be configured in three horizontal strands approximately 18 to 24 inches apart and securely fixed to stationary objects.
C. Life safety hazard tape shall only be used for this purpose and may not be substituted by any other flagging or tape
Incident emergencies
Name Unit Conditions Actions Needs
Incident emergencies
Location Unit Name Actions Resources/ Situation
Badge number advisory
When imminent danger is present and members are unable to relay to dispatch the circumstances of the event the personnel shall respond to dispatch with badge number 343
EMS aircraft activations
Shall be made through Berkeley Fire Dispatch or ALCO-CMED if available.
This information should be given
- The number of patients in acuity of each
- Type and extent of injuries
- Location of landing site
- Nearest landmarks
- Notable conditions (Highwinds, fog or visibility problems)
Setting up the LZ
Requests are made by the LZ coordinator.
- BPD for crowd control or road closures and BPD/ BFD to secure the perimeter of the selected landing site.
- All fire personnel shall wear a helmet and some form of I protection. Turnout jackets or reflective vest she’ll be worn at night for visibility.
- Landing zones or 75 x 75 at day & 100 x 100 at night.
- It should be flat free and clear of wires loose debris or other potential hazards
- Orange cones should be used to mark the four corner boundary of the LZ. No flares
- A hose line can lightly wet soft dirt or sand
- Do not shine flashlights at the helicopter. Code 3 lights are OK.
Helicopter landing site locations
- Golden Gate Fields
- Cesar Chavez park
- San Pablo park
- Cedar Rose Park
- Open field at Martin Luther King in Derby
- Willard park at Hillegass and Derby
- Lake Anza Field off Lake Anza Road
Mutual aid assignments
Immediate need
Need for resources is urgent. Units should respond immediately to the rendezvous location determined by the strike team leader or incident. The unit should respond to the incident
within 30 minutes not to exceed one hour
Mutual aid assignments
initial attack
The response when they need is emergent. Generally to a county that is adjacent to Alameda county. Resources will rendezvous at the incident.
Mutual aid assignments
Planned need
Response when requested resources are not needed until the next operational. Or as specified by the requesting agency.
Resources will rendezvous prior to departure
Mutual aid assignments
Length of commitment
The department may deploy type one, three, and six engines or overhead resources. Member should be prepared for up to a 14 day commitment not to include travel time to and from the incident
Mutual aid assignments
A. Type one or three assignment: one Captain one apparatus operator and two firefighters
- At the Battalion Chief discretion a crew of three may be sent
B. Type six assignment: one Captain one apparatus operator and one fire fighter
- at the battalion chiefs discretion a fourth fire fighter may be sent
Priority may be given to firefighters that are active drivers
Mutual aid assignments
Any on duty firefighters can be sent at any time for an initial attack or immediate need request
Members with commitments Including cert instruction, academy instruction, and outside department rater assignments are required to fulfill these commitments or — arrange for their own relief—
Members committed to working o t or trades during the 14 day. May except the deployment but must notify both the officer in on duty battalion chief of any potential commitments.
Members will be selected from the strike team hiring picklist and Telestaff
Mutual aid assignments
Telestaff periods
Members wishing to be deployed on a strike team or overhead assignment must make themselves available on Telestaff prior to 0700 hours
It is preferred that members schedule themselves a minimum of six days out
After 07:00 members will notify Battalion Chief that they wish to be removed as the daily restat may need to be adjusted.
Mutual aid assignments
Personal protective equipment
All personnel the sign of the response must have in their possession all appropriate PPE including structural and wildland PPE. The exception to this is a type six assignment
No set of rules regulations or protocols can never completely cover all the situations faced by industry professionals.
The documents in the departments operations manual shall be used as guidelines and are not intended as a substitute for sound judgment by personnel
Hytrans fire system operation
Earthquakes - emergency fire fighting water supply
- Supplement in ground water system - Create surface water supply in case of water system failure
Industrial and other large scale fire fighting
Flooding for water removal or supplemental water
Wildland firefighting
Hytrans fire system operation
How much hose
A water supply system of 6 miles can be operational in 1/2 hour
Hytrans fire system operation
In the City Of Berkeley-
All available on duty HFS operators should be detailed to place the system in service. For personnel is minimum and six is preferable.
An additional engineers report is desirable.
For adjacent county, distant County, FEMA and private deployment-
For memories are needed to maintain the system on shifts. One HFS qualified officer is desirable.
Helicopter landing operations
Primary radio contact is done on what frequencies and what bank?
Primary radio contact shall be done over the frequencies of Cal cord or fire white 2
Bank b9 or yy
Mutual aid assignments
The CO Or ranking member will maintain the proper forms.
- ICS 214- An activity log will be maintained at the time of departure until return.
- Injuries will be reported using the appropriate paperwork.
- Damage to equipment or apparatus will be reported on the appropriate paperwork.
- A supply number will be secured from ordering if equipment is unavailable to re-supply at the incident
-Upon return the required reports and fuel receipts will be forwarded to the Battalion Chief
F – 42 (use of personal vehicle), ICS- 214, Cal OES 142a (use of a rental vehicle), FCO- 76, and ICS 225 (performance report)
ICS 214
Company activity log
ICS 225
Personal performance evaluation report
Mutual aid assignments
When a private vehicle is used what form is submitted? And what other situation?
Form 57 travel request and claim for reimbursement- noting mileage for reimbursement.
Also when a rental is used but paid for by the member.
Mutual aid assignments
When a rental vehicle is utilized What form is used?
A Cal 0ES form 142a, in-state travel and incident related expense log shall be completed annotating the cost of the rental vehicle the rental receipt should accompany the form
Mutual aid assignments
Vehicle procurement
First attempt to secure a department or city fleet vehicle via the on-duty Battalion Chief.
Next if no department vehicle is available the department may provide a rental vehicle or authorize the use of a personal vehicle.
The use of rental vehicles must be pre-authorized by the agency requesting resources via Ross
Members using a private vehicle will be reimbursed for mileage if documented on an F 42, emergency activity record.
Incident emergencies
What is an emergency alert tone?
A solid 3 second tone simulcast on the dispatch, command and tactical channels.
Incident emergencies
Emergency traffic
Used to indicate that someone at the incident is in peril.
Ex. Firefighter down, firefighter trapped, or abandon building.
Incident emergencies
Emergency button activation
- is to be activated as a notification of a life threatening event
2 will set off visual and audio alerts on dispatch consoles and for any portable radios monitoring ch 16
3 when activated- auto changes radio to ch 16
4 ch 16 will only be used for emergencies
5 Eb activation will auto change to the emergency ch of the dispatch center working in.
Boat operator
Boat crew
Minimum of three responders. Recommended staffing consisting of a boat operator, BFD officer, and a rescue swimmer.
Boat operator
General information
Shall have completed the task book signed by the Berkeley Harbor Master on file with the DOT
Shall comply with maritime law USCG standards in California waterway laws
Beginning of each shift shouting in NOAA maritime briefing
Is ultimately responsible for the safety of the crew and the vessel well I sea
Shall notify the USCG of any response involving a maritime craft
Call sign will be rescue boat 146/the confidence
Boat operator
Use of Harbor Master’s equipment
The Harbor Master will be immediately notified.
- Between the hours of O 800- 1630 Dispatch can directly call the Harbor Master’s office
- Between 1630-0800 Direct dispatch to contact the Harbor Master through direct line call back
Boat operator
Where is the extra set of boat keys located
Keys to the boat and extra set of the keys are kept in the harbormasters office. The boat cream must obtain hypothermic kit
Boat operator
Upon returning to quarters the boat operator shall email the harbormasters office with the incident actions, incident times, indicating how long the vessel was used pre-and post fuel readings and outcomes
Confined space
What are the three requirements to meet a confined space?
- Is large enough and configured so that an employee can enter and perform assigned work
- Has limited means for entry or exit (ex. Tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins)
- Is not designed for continuous human occupancy
Confined space
What is a permit required confined space?
- Contains or has a potential to contain hazardous atmosphere
- Potential for engulfing entrant
- Internal configuration such that entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly configured walls or by a floor with slopes downward on the tapers to a smaller cross section
- Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.
Confined space
Hazardous atmosphere
- Flammable gas vapor or mist in excess 10% of LEL.
- Airborne combustible dust.
- O2 less than 19.5 or higher than 23.5%
- Atmospheric concentration of a substance that is above (PEL) permissible exposure limit
- Any other idlh atmosphere.
Confined space
4 distinct categories of hazardous atmospheres (air)
- Flammable
- Toxic
- Irritants and/ or corrosives
- Asphyxiating
Confined space
Common gases found below grade or confined space operations
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon monoxide
- Hydrogen sulfide
- Methane
- Sulfur dioxide
A group of gases may stratify within a confined space.
Confined space
Hazard identification considerations
- The past and current uses of the space.
- The physical characteristics, configuration, and location of the confined space.
- Biological hazards.
- Mechanical or physical hazards
- Existing or potential hazards in the space such as flammable and toxic hazards
Confined space
- IC
- Medical group supervisor
- Attendant
- Entrant
- Standby team- Fully suited and ready to go at all times one standby member for each member in the confined space
- Rescue Riggers
- Safety officer
Confined space
Rules for entrants
- If you can enter with SCBA go no further than 25 feet or direct line of sight
- If you must remove the SCBA to fit do not enter
- Entry with SCBA should be limited to recon only unless the victim is easily accessible
- A retrieval line will be used whenever an entrance enters a permit space unless it would increase the overall risk
- Each entrance will wear a type III harness. The retrieval line will attach at the center of the entrants back near the shoulder level
- A mechanical device will be available to retrieve personal and vertical type permit space is more than 5 feet deep
- maintain communications
- Explosion proof lighting, fans and ventilators
- Four gas monitors
- Victim packaging
Confined space
Arrival and initial actions
- If not, upgrade to a rescue response (2E 1T 1M 1BC)
- Confirm lockout/tag out procedures
- Illuminate all ignition sources
- Request additional resources as needed to fill ICS positions.
Confined space
Phase 1: size up
- Establish command
- conduct primary assessment- Witness information, ID immediate hazards, secure entry permit
- Conduct secondary assessment- Type of space, products involved, hazards involved in the space, personnel and equipment available on scene, Resources required (hazmat, vent, mutual aid)
Confined space
Phase 2: atmospheric monitoring
Monitor in and around confined space before and continuously during entry.
O2 enriched or deficient (<19.5% or greater than 23.5%)
Flammability >10% LEL
Toxic atmospheres that are IDLH
Dusts that meet or exceed the LEL or obscure vision at 5 ft.
Confined space
Phase 3: Pre-entry Operations
- Establish perimeter
- Perform necessary evacuations
- EST. Accountability
- Perform Air monitoring
- Ventilate
- Secure hazards(lockout/tag out)
- Complete entry permit
Confined space
Phase 4: entry and rescue operations
- Develop an IAP
- Brief entry ends back up team
- Check equipment
- Locate victim and assess
- Patient packaging and extrication
- Decontaminate if necessary
Confined space
Phase 5: victim removal
- If injured decide if patient should be Stabilized
- Treatment should be initiated out of the IDLH environment
- Do not administer O2 in the confined space
- Place victim on extrication device
- Attach haul line
- Call system from outside confined space
Confined space
Tactics: Phases
Phase 1: size up Phase 2: atmospheric monitoring Phase 3: pre-entry operations Phase 4: entry and rescue operations Phase 5: victim removal Phase 6: termination
Water rescue
Within 10 feet of the water
All responders will wear a US CG approved flotation device
Water rescue response
2E, 1T, 1M, Battalion Chief
The Battalion Chief will ensure that two swimmers are responding to the incident
Water rescue
Pre-designated ICS positions
Marina IC
Swimmer group
Extrication group
Medical group
Water rescue
Swimmer group
The swimming group sup shall be an officer for a short base swimmer and is in charge of swimmer deployment and safety. They are responsible for maintaining contact with the deployed swimmers via a marine tactical channel or by using hand signals
Water rescue
Procedures upon arrival
Provide a report on conditions in establish IC
Interview witnesses for information
Location the victim was last seen
Duration of time the victim has been in the water
Approximate age of the victim
Description victims clothing including PFD
Known impairments
Determine mode of operation: search, rescue or recovery
Abandon building guidelines
Request Dispatch announce abandon building for incident ex and prepare for emergency Roll call
Dispatch repeats on all channels assigned to the incident, note: if the incident is on mutual aid VHF white channels the incident commander will make the announcement
Dispatch shall initiate the five second alert tone on all channels assigned to the incident and repeat abandon the building two times.
All radio traffic shall cease
Command shall have selected apparatus sound the abandon building airhorn (three- one second airborne blasts repeated three times with a five second interval between each group)
Emergency Roll Call shall be taken
Ric will be deployed for any missing firefighters
If all companies accounted for the incident commanders whole announce Emergency rollcall complete
Air management
What does the ready pneumonic stand for
R Radio have one turned on and set to the right channel
E equipment
A Air no member can enter the hazard zone with less than 4000 psi
D Duties know your assignment
Y Yes to all the above questions
Class a foam application
What types of fire
Operations requiring fire suppression shall have class a foam in addition to water application on all ordinary combustible fires
Apparatus operator shall start with the default phone setting of .3% an increase or decrease at the company officers request
Class a foam
How much do we carry
Engine companies will carry a minimum of two extra 5 gallon containers
Structure fires initial operations
Definition of additional Hoseline
A second hose line of equal or greater GPM than the first required to support the push or extinguishment efforts of the first hose line
Structure fires initial operations
Back up hose line
A second tactical hose line used to protect a working hose line position and or egress
Initial operations
Command options
Command mode
Fire attack mode
Investigation mode
Initial operations
Operational strategy
The over arching mode that is driving the incident; life, property, instant stabilization and environment.
Initial operations
Strategic moves
Offensive or defensive
Size up Locate the fire Identify and control the flow path Cool the space from the safest location Extinguish the fire Rescue Salvage
Red and white hydrant use
How many red and white hydrants are there and where are they located
- On bridge at tunnel. #150
- Panoramic at Arden path. #140
- IFO 557 Spruce. #120
- Across from 417 Spruce. #150
- On hill rd. at Shasta. #110
- Campus at Glendale. #125
- Marin at grizzly Peak. #86
Red and white Hydrant
When in town
in case of an extreme emergency in the upper zone and with an approval of a chief officer- the zone( white hydrant) is getting critical (5-10psi)
Pump from the red to the white- 10 psi over the normal static pressure of the white hydrant or until 5 to 10 psi is shown on the intake gauge which ever comes first
Ebmud Must be notified immediately
Passenger loads
Light- cars with some vacant seats
Seated- cars with all seats occupied
Heavy- cars with standing patrons
Crush- max patron capacity
Station number in Berkeley
R10- Ashby
R20- downtown
R30- north berkeley
Dispatch info
Type of incident Track # Milepost marker Passenger load EST number and type of injuries Status of rescue train Status of ventilation fans Station or nearest access point to incident train
Arrival and initial actions at station
Meet Bart representatives and est Bart IC with command post
(If no rep, request a liaison from BART Pd)
Determine- Location of the lead car Location of the incident train, car ID # Number of cars in the train The passenger load Location of passengers (in train/ bore) Confirm status of vent fan/ and 3rd rail Request rescue train if not present
Incidents within the station
Arrival and initial actions
Identify type of emergency
ID if 3rd rail needs to be shut down.
For undercarriage fires consider pre-plumbed deluge
Activate 3rd rail power trip and contact the occ
- Bart 5 and 5A have command 11 patch
- BFD tactical
- Yellow vertical phones- Parry line within station. When one is picked up, flashing lights begin to flash at all yellow phones in station
- BART PA- (BART PABX) located at each 3rd rail power trip on the platform or in station agents booth. BART central can also make announcements.
In tunnel emergencies IC structure
BART IC- BFD IC TUNNEL BRANCH. MEDICALBR Rescue train x. Transport gr/ Fire attack gr x. Medical gr Rescue gr x Medical gr x RIC gr x
If there is a mayday….
E- emergency traffic D- deploy the ric team W- warble tone (3 sec tone) A- additional alarm/ chiefs R- roll call (par) D- double the RIC
D- deal with the incident
With poorly placed or timed ventilation, a vent- limited fire can develop to flash over within…
1-2 minutes
Exceptions to Two in two out
Residential structure during late night/ early morning hours with signs of occupancy
Incipient stage fires
Rescue train
Engine equipment
BART keys
100’ 2 1/2” hose
1 box light
100’ 1 3/4” hose pack
Rescue train
Truck equipment
Bolt cutter Attic ladder Set irons 6’ pike pole Circ saw Box light
Rescue train
Ambulance equipment
Mci pow kit & clipboard
1st in bag
Patient tarp
C spine bag
Arrival at incident scene
Actions for the tunnel branch director
Prioritize the movement of passengers to a non-idlh area
Determine the scope of the incident and provide a can report to the IC
Determine the status of the third rail and make appropriate requests to De-energize
Ascertain possibility of towing incident train to a station
Keep one port train at scene for a scape or transportation of injured personnel and maybe a second?
Fire attack group sup actions on arrival at incident
Determine and what is on fire
Direct any changes to the ventilation
Determine the closest and most appropriate standpipe outlet to the incident
Connect, stretch, confine and extinguish any fire
Rescue group sup actions on incident arrival
Perform recon of the tunnel, train and passengers
Develop an extrication plan
Request additional resources as needed
Water rescue
Extrication points
Yacht club dock
Boat launch
Initial operations
Strategic goals
Rescue Exposures Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul
Initial operations
Tactical goals
When are hydrant inspections?
… hose testing?
April 15th- June 30 even years.
Hose same dates, odd years.
Check this info