Sociology Midterm Flashcards
Charles Wright Mills
Mills helped popularize the study of sociology in the US. (Divorce Rates)
Emile Durkheim
Key founder of the field of sociology, which he defines as the systematic (scientific) study of social facts.
John Darley + Bibb Latane
Oversaw a series of experiments to demonstrate the Bystander Effect
Robert Cialdini
Developed the concept of social proof and oversaw experiments on its power.
Solomon Asch
Oversaw experiments to demonstrate conformity through situational forces.
Dan Ariely
Dan Ariely who contributed significantly to behavioral economics, and after getting a major burn, decided to explore why people behave unethically, even when they consider themselves to be moral individuals.
The Sociological Imagination
Mills’ term for the relationship between personal experiences and broader societal systems. Developed through the interplay of structural, agential, and situational forces. Explores the dialectical relationship between people and society.
Social Facts
Durkheim’s term of patterns of though/behavior/belief that characterize a society and (1) are objectively real, (2) coercively imposed on an individual by society, that make behavior predictable
Collective Effervescence
Durkheim’s term to describe that which gave rise to religious worship in the elementary forms of religious life (currently, has to do with football)
Breakdown of the influence of social norms on individuals in a society
Social Proof
Cialdini’s term to describe the internalization of a belief shared by the situational group. Has more impact due to (1) larger numbers, (2) novelty, and (3) affinity
Pluralistic Ignorance
inhibiting influence: a majority mistakenly believe that their internal feelings differ from others, even when everyone may be feeling the same way.
Collective Delusion
Objectively false beliefs that spread through a population
People begin taking action on collective delusion.
Mass-Sociogenic Illnesses
Physical effects begin to have an effect on people as a result of mass-hysteria
Independent Variable
the “manipulated” variable, changed by the experimenter to examine results on the dependent variable
Dependent Variable
the “resulting” variable that is being measured in an experiment.
Operationalizing a Dependent Variable
quantifying a “resulting” variable through a unit of measurment.
Ceteris Paribus
Latin for “all things being equal.” In valid experiments, all conditions should be controlled except for those being measured.
Extraneous Variables
not controlled; yet has no impact in the relationship between the IV and DV
Confounding Variables
an uncontrolled factor that affects the relationship between the IV and DV
Structural Forces
Stable arrangement of systems, which characterize and give shape to society
Angential Forces
free-will and the personality of individuals