sociological debates- i/p 1 Flashcards
p: comte (if)
true objective knowlegde, basis of solving sociological problems and achieving progress. society is ananture amde up of objectives, factual relality
see sociology as a science, based on objective observatioon and satistics which search for correltions and laws of social world. belive it can be done without resarchers perisonal belifs/values being influenced on data or reasarch progress. we examine world in same way as natrual world.
inductive reasoning
sociolgist can discover laws that determines how society works, accumilating data about world through careful observation and measurement, use verification(when theory is developed many more observations are done to verify method.
durkheinm suidice research
suicide among cathoolcis comapred to prot was stronger due to stornger forms of social control/cohesion among them. social integration is a facotr. VAlue free? he found trends within official satisitics that were gatherd in a scientific way.
interpretivism (why)
see sociology from being different from natural sciences, study humans which move and think freely, leads to using mroe qualitiative emthods which can create greater indepth meaningssuch as actors create on their behaviour.
create relation with person researching, see world at their perspective increaisng validity
weber: interp side
sees soc as study of social action, req verstehn to undertsand why people bhevave in particualr ways. study of prot ethic and spirt of capitlasm. attempts ot undertsand why calvasnit reiinvetsed money and became early capitlasit.
giddens, structual theory
comindes structal (p) and social action (i). recognise the infleucne that structure have on indisuals, chocie in accpeting reflectiong on such an istituion. eg family sturtcyre (up to indisucal to choose if they belong to enviroment)
giddens structural theory critisie
durkehhims method. that classifiying into types may have little or nothing to do with meanigns vicitims gave eg staitistcis may be wrong> family conceal detah of sucice.
interpretivis mehtods
unstructured interveiws, feild expermiments, partiicpent observaiton, overt observations, open end q
scienfitifc (p) mehtods
lab experiemnts, structural interveiws, satictics, observations, peer reveiw