laboratory experiment disadvantages
(theoretical issues)
likely 1 person at time- time consuming, lacks external validity(told little about respondants life)
control group+experiemntal group(exposed to depended variable)
laboratory exp
practical issues
all variables controlled- no interference outside factors.
studying the past- rely historical analysations- can’t control variable
individuals are unique
Hawthorne effect-modify behaviour being observed
laboratory exp
ethical issues
informed consent
harm to subject
treating subject fairly-unbiased
field experiments
theoretical issues positive view
prefer controlled environment(less reliable), like structured ways
field experiments
theoretical issues interpretists view
provides more natural environment-deeper undertsnaidng for social behaviour/intrests, trobian tribes- mutlitpil recourses to cross check findings
advantage of field experiment
neutralistic- real life behaviour-high validuty
better external validity than lab-normalised socialised setting
lower chance Hawthorne effetc
larger scale setting(school/work) isn’t possible lab as unatural/split up
disadvantage field experiment
lack control, harder to recipate/repeat-reliablity?
can’t control variables like labelling exp/lab
access could be problem
ethical issues
field exp case study
Rosenthal Jacobson
limitation:lack of credibility-might not see same results diff schools
adv:simple to repeat, whole labelling process/identifies trends overtime
hypothesis testing
posotivists-lab-highly reliable, researcher can specify steps in exp, produces quantity data-compare
comparative method
comparing diff groups in same society to see diff/similairties.
only specific target groups observed
comparative method study durkenhime of suicide
hypothetisis:low levels of integration of individuals into social groups caused high rates of suicide(catholicism higher rate of integration than prot)predicted-prot higher suicide. so compared sucide rates(live/relationship)
advantage comparative methods
avoid artificially, used to study past events, no ethical problem
disadvantage comparative method
even less control of variables(unsure if discovered cause)
investigate teachers exceptions (social classes) sample 96 teachers shown 18 photos of children divide from gender ethnicity and told to rate performance/aspirations
lower class rated less(similarities of children they taught)
ethical:dint use real pupils-none negectivbly suffers
how teacher expectations made different (independent variables)
ethical:reaminign 80% pupils didn’t benefit (held back)+unaware involved -deception of teachers but is needed
spurt test reliability
repeated 242 times in 5y but social class/age/teachers style diff and did no observation to support