quantitative secondary soruce
official satiscs, non official stats, existing quant research
advatages of official statistics
reliability(easy repeat and complete in standardised way)
represedntiveness(large numbers = better generalisation/hypothesis, allows comparisons and trends) non time consuming
hard statistics-cant manipluate/bias
disadvantage of official statistics
soft satistics- less validity as easily manipulated not show full pic/all recorded)-self report/victim studys
some less repressive eg British crime survey based on sample relevant pop
might not answer correctly-not reliable+non available on topic (gov own purpose) definitions change eg unemployment changed 30+time in 1980’s
positivist view on satistics
favour as generalise/represtiveness/reliable easy replicated regular intervals large scale for quantitative data
social facts are true and objective
durkenhim See as valuable recourse
interprevist view on statistics
reject as no social fact no validity
marxists”serves the need son capitalism with unemployment disguise how many actually in unemployment.
investigate how sat socially constructed thru qualitativee methods eg observation.
eg durkenhim suicde study don’t see cause
only rep labels others give
documents definition
any written text(medical records,gov reports, diaries,letters,blogs,ofstead,past
advantage of documents
cheap/already gathers save time(practicality)
allow researcher close to reality-gain understanding/detailed,high validity
maybe only way of collecting?
disadvantage documents
may not be ethical need consent hard to access, can’t consent qualitative data, authenticity- any missing pages/errors/who wrote can’t be sure what claim to be, credibility-sincere/accurate at the time? own impact
lang might change need skills
content analysis
collect quantitative data from qualitative- counting up the number in each category
advantage content analysis
high reliability as follows systematic procedures, both data used, cheap easy to access recourses
positivist:) as provides objective quantitative data
disadvantage content analysis
Time consuming- lots of info from different doc. If coding incur then findings invalid, subjective way categorise- bias.
inteprretivis:( no validity or meaning- all counting number of times something appears no meaning
posotivist view on documents :(
risk imposing researchers meaning, unstandardised methods can’t be replictaed(subject interp) fail to achieve reliabliyt/genralisablity/representativenes eg only literate can write
interp view on documents :)
qualitative data, researcher gains accurate understanding not generally written with researchers intent so much more authentic