symbolic capital
recourses available to individuals on basis of honour, values one holds in culture
archer et al
symbolic capital
one reason for class difference in girls achievemnt: wc feminine identities and value/ethos of school (short skirt/makeup= mc ideal)gaining symbolic capital from peers
conflict with schools=effect education/economic capital
hyper heterosexual feminine identity’s
wc- use time effort money to be glamours/desirable.
-gain status avoid tramp label, good brands
-conflict school- wrong appearance = led to school ‘othering’ the girls-incapable of success
symbolic capital boyfriend
seen as desirable-got in the way of school work, lowering girls aspirations, non masculine subject(carry on desire)therefore no high paid career
settle down, wc jobs(childcare) marry
symbolic capital loud
‘act dumb’ - didn’t conform school ‘ideal pupil’=conflict with teachers = labeling/streaming=incapable
wc lang used ‘resrticted speech code’
21 wc girls don’t go uni for themselves but to make money for family = stay closer to home
caring is a crucial part of wc identity
wc girls stay closer to home
deprived area, not wide subjects eg stem= limited choice of uni/value of degree, has lots of responsibility on themselves, won’t develop independence.
boys and literacy
gender gap due to boys for literacy/lang skills= parents spend less reading sons (sports/videogames), jobs demanding, mother do reading=feminie
most exams contain lit/lang(reasoning developing), maths only one that doesn’t
decline in industry (mainly employed men) rely on child cheap labour
mitsos browne
decline in male employment opportunities ‘identity crisis’ little prospect of proper ‘manly job’, undermines self esteem giving up
swell feminised education
not nurture males masc traits(competitive/leadership), coursework, should be replaced with final exams and greater emphasis on outdoor ciriculim to nurture boys triaits too.
teacher gender
boys say presence of male teacher>work better. culture primary schools feminised can control behaviour, male teachers strict.
2/3 7-8y don’t care about gender
feminised primary
only males can exert disiplin needed for boys to achieve, lang teacher sure to express emotions
disciplian discourse= masculine, teachers authority explit/visible:shotuing
liberal discourse: female, teachers authority implicit
case study primary teachers
51 primary teachers(both gender)
most teachers favours disiplian discourse control= disproves primary schools feminised
female teacher just as likely use disiplian = disproves only males can provide strict classroom behaviour
epeisien laddish subculture
wc boys labelled harasses sissies if appear to be swots, boys more concern about being labelled as threat to boys masculinity
schoolwork - feminine - reject ‘gay’
ring rose moral panic failing boys
policys promote girls no longer needed, moral panic ‘failing boys’ - grow up to threaten social stability(girls success at price of boys)= shift in policy= ignoring ethnic minorities, ignores girls facing sexual harasment
maths physics graphic+resistance materials (hands on/masculien)construction act engendering
sociology, English, food, retail, health n social
gender expectations
early socialisation shapes gender idenity
teachers encourage boys tough/girls helpful/quite
genders develop diff taste readin boys:info texts girls:stories of people
treated diff: feel need to do diff
gender domains
tasks/activies gender sees as male/female territory
shaped by early expectations/experiences(primary socialisation)
children more confident engaging in tasks more suited to domain(mum in kitchen)
gender details
pay attention diff details during tasks
girls = feelings/emotions
boys= focus how things work
science byos subject
appeals to boys more than girls
teachers science mainly boys, draw on experience of boys than girls (look up to?) boys dominate lab act in lesson
single sex schooling
hold less stereotypes subject images, less traditional subject choices compared to pupils mixed school
girls in girl= maths/science a level
boys in boys eng
name calling/peer pressure
less likely to choose subject out of domains attracting neg response from peers.
sport-male domain, girls who spray cope with image that dent conform stereotype ‘butch’
maintain male power-shape identity to girls(dress certain way)
double standards
sexual morality, boys boost about sexual exploits, girls ‘slag’ if doesn’t have stable relationship. feminist view- patricacle ideology justifies male dominance devaluing women
girls idenities female peer groups
popular crucial girls identity “friendship culture” into “dating culture” face tension:
idealised feminine idenity
sexualised idenity
idealised feminine idenity
loyalty to female peer groups, being non competitive
sexualised idenity
competing for boys = victim to slut shaming
male teachers behaviour enforce gender identiy
protective attitude towards female colleagues, resucing them out control pupils