series of q gathering info from respondnts-person/post/oline/telephone
closed questions
predetermined set of answers(quantitative)
can count numbers. quick easy to compare/replicate
open questions
no restrictions to participants response-in depth opinion discover attitudes
altogether strengths of questionnaires
PRATICALITY:cheap/quick/large data/easy to
repicitate/admististrate large number people and quantify
(VALIDITY)(credibility)+private and anonomus=likly to be honest however not having a experimenter suprivise=problem
no ethical problems
weakness of questionnaires
social desirability-incorrect responses socially acceptable light-haw throne effect
response rate poor-maybe certain type of person returns generalising sample of results to large pop=unconvincing eg full workers less time to answer or not botherd. some q leading/mis understood and no clarification =complete Incorrectly (speech code)
inflexibility - can’t explore any new areas of interest once q been finalised.
educaition practical issues ruttler
12 inner sec schools in London- correlate achievement/attendance/behavoiur with variables such as class size/number of staff however no explanations
education questionnaires rate
may be reluctant as distrust lesson or topic however once given consent pupil is under pressure to cooperate
questionnaires in ed problem
have to understand q+shorter attention span needs to be brief and experiences are lower however may overcome embarasment/fear of bullies making valid data over interviews
closed q disadvantage
might answer in =correctly as may have mutlipul views-leading q, misinterpretation dec validity
open q disadvantage
bias/time consuming,respondant rate poor, hard to generalise (only certain people may answer)