participant observation
research social behaviour on infiltrating groups (w or w/o group knowledge)
strength participant observation
gain in-depth knowledge about participants/high validity/qualitative data
participant observation weakness
hawthorne effect/low in represtativness/Time consuming/low reliability
types of participant observation
researched fully involved -know their being observed-ability to become in daily life-inc vailidy
types of participant observation
researcher joing group w/o them knowing
high vailidy however ethically questionable eg Archie study wc girls pretend to be teaching assistant
practical consideration
participant observation
observation of surrounding/interactions/gernal observation of participants
theoretical consideratiom
participant observation
active particip of researcher blurs line of reseracher/partic-reduce objectivity
reflexivity-personal bias and beliefs compromising clear observant
participant observation
ethical considerations
informed consent
is participant observation ethical?
difficult as must harness a balance between privacy/detailed observation
hawthorne effect
researcher influence behvaiobour of group-harm vailidy/reliability/repetability-behvae diff as know being researched(socially acceptable light or impress)
participant observation
positivist view
critic, can lead to becoming attached ti researcher group/bias researching directly involved
participant observation
interpretivist view
beneficial, allows to get close and gather qualitative data /;support over/covert as social reality isn’t fixed/devlop understanding on how individual communicate
researching group w/o researcher becoming involved effecitive:high vilify/reliablity
overt nonparticipant observation
researcher is present/known they are their but doesn’t interact with group(slight Hawthorne effect)
covert nonparticipant observation
participant don’t know being researched/not part of group, gather high qualititative data/no informed consent/high validity-real life setting
positivist view nonparticipant observation cover/overt
dislike as lack transparency/doesnt trench ethical guiltiness ad still a degree of interpretation as aiming for objectivity
eintepretivts view non participant observation
like as provide insight of exp/quilitative data valid and supported
theoretical consideration nonparticipant observation
limited insight to motivation, bias, not generalisable
ethical consideration nonparticipant observation
deception issue, right to know