predefined standardised questions,ansers in same order, quantitative, positivists,
job related
structured interview advantages
equal opp, greater objectivity, less bias, less stress, quick, repeatable
structured interview disadvantages
no flexibility for q, omit detail,
unstructured interview
non direct, not pre arranged, qualitative, interpretisivst, good at researching aims to personal exp, no pattern
unstructured interview advantages
flexible,access to personality
unstructured interview disadvantages
time consuming, small scale, less reliable, can’t be repeated
practical issues of interviews
+gainint access a problem
response bias, Hawthorne effect, no elaboration
practical issues of interviews
+gainint access a problem
time consuming/both parties may be reluctant to give up time
ethical conderations in intverevwis
research proposal follow conflict
voluntary participation
informed consent
theoretical issues of interveiw
rigidility- little opportunity to build rapport between intervewer/paritipant(feel uncomf/nervous=affect answ)
theoretical issues of interveiw
low genralisability/risk of leading q, bias (inconsistency of q)
case study:sue sharp
1975 sex discrimnation act
could explain difference girls attention/priorites/aspriation changed- used unstructured interveiw(safer/comftable)
education practical issues
linguistic/intellecutal skills less developed(reluctant.not understand/short attention spam) = misundertsnaings/incomplete/affect validity
to improve validity of ed interviews
open end q. not interrupt, tolerate long pauses, avoid repeat q
group interviews ed
peer pressure eg boys shared values.
can’t standardise q
but safe environment/familair groups