key ideas
gov adopt lazies fair , argue state inneficient and private sector and free market more effiecnt - more money to other services to improve needs
(not need gov intervention we should be smart enough)
privatisation in Britain
industries/services ran by state are sold or tended out to private companies
privatisation in Britain benefits
more choice of consumer, lower taxes for tax payer, competition market economy, improved standards and quality, growing economyinc wealth
new right theory
promotes marketisation, state should not be relied on everyone as can’t meet everyones needs inneffienct/wasteful
things they are offering aren’t ran well enough(lack teachers,support) and does not serve needs of employers
new right theory
one size fits all
offered limited choice = parents wasting money , same structure no availability subjects
new right/neoliberal solution
favour marketisation of ed.
school run by business to greater competition between school- achieve more, those perform well attract students, those don’t shut down
role of state
still play role in ed- impose framework have to complete ofstead/leauge tables everyone aware. transmit set of values through national ciriculm
new right study
Chubb more consumer choice
American state ed failed due to ran by state- not gave effecient funding needed to work well in work place
Chubb more base argument
60000 pupil, 1,015 state/private together with parent survey pupil low inc family 5% better in private schools (ran like a business)
Chubb/more claims
disadvantage groups (lc, ethnic) served badly by ed system - failed to create equal opportunities tjheirfore not metrocratic. fails to provide skills needed by economy . private ski high quality ed as answerable to paying consumers, parents complaints