socialism intro Flashcards
What is the socialist views on the state ?
- socialist views on the state are generally
- state needs to be strong
- state runs the economy
- support the idea of power to the people/ the workers- principle of democracy
- however socialists disagree about the nature of the state, but generally agree that the state should agree on controlling inequality
what is the socialist view on the economy?
socialists see the economy as key
- capitalists system stops the real nature of humans
- argue for ownership and public extensive ownership eg NHS
- revolutionary socialist believe in the complete removal of capitalism
- evolutionary socialist support the idea of modernising and regulating capitalism
- robin hood, principles- that wealth should be redistribution of wealth
what is the socialist view on human nature?
- very optimistic
- generally positive view on human nature
- people are naturally willing to share , generous and want equality
- people want to work with others and generally want to work with others , desire community this is encourages true freedom and self fulfilment
- they believe that human nature can be changed and become fraternal but because of institutional barriers such as religion , ethnicity and class will need to be broken down to be achieved
what are socialist views on the society ?
- societal environment has has a significant impact on individual , they believe individuals are a product of their society
- unequal societies such as capitalist economic system behave lead people to different.
name the revolutionist socialist and how they differ from evolutionary socialist
- Marx and Engles
- Rosa Luxemburg
fundamentalist revolutionary socialist believe in the idea of the overthrowal of capitalism to replace with a communism that is dominated by proletariat
what do democratic socialists argue?
- democratic socialist believe in the replacement of a capitalist system to a socialist state with evolvement rather than revolution
democratic socialist are in favour of the parliamentary route towards societal system .. key thinks beatice webb
social democracy ?
social democracy is within a capitalist framework that believes that capitalism and socialism can be compatible unlike fundamental socialism which believes that capitalism need to be eradicated for a socialist state, they believe in
- rationality
- evolutionary socialism
- major state involvement in the economy
- Keynesian economics
name the key thinkers?
- Karl marx and engles
- Anthony Crosland
- beatrice webb
- rosa luxumeburg
anthony giddens
what is revolutionary socialism?
revolutionary socialism is the idea that socialism can only be brought into society with the overthrowal of capitalism by the proletariat
what key thinkers reject the idea of an proletarian dictatorship and revolution
- Beatrice Webb ,rejects the idea of a proletariat dictatorship and a revolution suggested by marx, she favours the idea of evolution to a socialist state , this would be a much better route towards a socialist state
what party has been associated with evolutionary socialism?
labour party has been associated with a gradual approach to change rather than the radical approach that was proposed by Karl Marx examples
- Fabián society “ for the right moment you must wait” which places great emphasis on comprehensive education
what is a criticism of evolutionary socialism?
watered down version of capitalism, still enbales capitalist ideologies but regulated which combats the socialist goal
is there any examples of revolutionary socialism
Russia 1917 where the gov was overthrown by an armed group although this was not a mass class revolt it was an example to other revolutionary socialist on what could be achieved.
who is a key thinker of social democracy ?
- Anthony Crosland
what is keyneism economics
- the assumption that government should intervene within the economy to mitigate problems of market failure
what is kenynism associated with in socialism
social democracy’s- revisionist socialism
summarise revisionist socialism
the idea that socialism is compatible with capitalism
what is meant by the third way >
the third way is an approach that believes in equal opportunity and liberalisation of the economy this was established by Anthony giddens
- privatisation over nationalisation
- focus on social and political equality as well as economic equality
explain in detail what the third way is and how they would want to achieve socialism
for socialism to be achieved the proletariat should work with the middle class instead of opposing them
What are revisionist’s t?
revisionism is a type of socialism that refers to the idea that socialism should be achieved from reform , regulating/ monitoring capitalism
key thinkers include- Anthony Crosland
- Anthony giddens and tha third way