Ideologies essay plans Flashcards
• To what extent are liberals divided over the role of the state?
Coherent views on the state:
- M and C liberals agree that the role of the state should be limited.. consistent with mechanistic theory the idea that the state should serve the intrests of its people.. LOCK supports this arguing that the state was developed to serve mans interest … consistent with his social contract theory.. similarly mill and his harm principle suggesting that there is cohenerce between the two stands bcause mill argues that the states role is to protect liberties
Negative liberty.. mill , woolstone craft and Locke who highly support the idea of freedom without restraints this enbales individuals to pursue their identity without state interference on the other hand rawles and fridan would advocate for postive liberty ..
- Enabling state vs minimal state. the differnces between rawles and locke .. modren liberals such as rawles support state inetvention to provide equailty of opportunity which is consistent with there ideas on positive liberty similarly fridan would argue for an enabling state in order to encourage positive discrimination towards women in order for fuffil their potential.. whilst liberals such as locke and wool stone craft would suggest that the state plays a regulatory role within society preserving law and order and preventing discrimination against women .. Mills advocation for the harm principle reinforces this classical view of limited state because there should be restraint unless harm ic committed
- Postive liberty vs negative liberty .
• To what extent is liberalism defined by its commitment to individualism?
1 - egotistiacal indviudlaism
• To what extent do Conservatives have a common view of human nature?
Intro- The different conservative views on human traditional nature for example traditional conservatives take a pessimistic view of human nature viewing it s flawed and imperfect whilst new right conservatives believe that human nature can be rational
- Thomas Hobbs a traditional conservative views humans are dependent and have a desire for stability thus craving saftey and ordedr which is why there is such an emphsiss on hirarchy and property as this breinforces stability and social order. Furthermore Hobbs sees humans as needy and vulnerable which means that according to burke the flaws in man lead to society with a rulling class which is seen as inevitable
2 One nation conservatives take a more optamistic view of human nature
• To what extent is socialism divided by its approach to capitalism?
Para1. Socalism has clearly been defined by its opposition to capitalism. Through its evolutionary and revolutionary forms.
Para4- The abolishment of capitalism vs the maintenance of it.
• To what extent is there is more that unites socialists than divides them?