nationalism Flashcards
What is nationalism ?
Nationalism is the belief that the nation should be the central unit of political organisation
What is meant by a nation?
A nation is a community of people who consider themselves to be connected together
Are there different ways of defining a nation?
What is meant by self- determination ?
This is the belief that nations should decide how they are governed. They are capable of self government
What is meant by a nation state ?
A nation state is one that rules itself in its own state and controls the economy
Is the idea of a nation state universally supported?
No, some argue that ..,
What is meant by culturalism ?
Culturalism is the way in which some nations identify themselves. it is the idea that each nation has a unique and powerful mix of shared values and history , which when seen as a whole their culture. culturalism is more irrational
What is meant by racialism ?
Racialism is the idea that there is not a single human race, instead there are a number of distinct races
What is meant by internationalism ?
This is the idea that the world should unite across boundaries to advance their common interest in society
What is meant by colonialism?(imperialism)
- this involves one country controlling another, by invasion, settlement or economic domination eg Great Britain when we had the largest empire in history which was made up of many african and Asian countries also known as the common welath
What are the types of nationalism?
- Liberal nationalism
- Conservative nationalism
- Anti/post colonialism
- expansionist nationalism
What are the main two types of internationalism ?
- Liberal internationalism -
- Socialist internationalism
Explain the definition of the two types of internationalism
Liberal internationalism- individuals have the right to self determinations similarly to individuals . these independent nation states will seek to co operae with each other by exchanging goods and services
- Socialist internationalism is the concern with extending principles of harmany and cooperation . The belief that nations are an a way of dividing people and maintain false class consciousness to prevent them from realising they are being exploited
What are the overall nationalist views on human nature?
- A common view on human nature according to nationalists is that humans naturally wish to be united around common themes
- they believe in human instinct
- Conservative nationalists see humans as drawn to the familiar and known suggesting that nationalism unites people with common traits
- Liberal nationalists see humans as rational individuals who make choice out of free will
What are some views of the state according to nationalists ?
- Liberal nationalists view the state as a body which nations aspire to and the ideal preference is a world of nation-. the states should self determinate and work with other states as a means of cooperating and furthering both of there positions in society
- states, Conservative nationalists argue that the state unites people/ the country and promotes patronims , collectivism and
- Expansionist nationalists use and view the state as a means of dominance, exerting it over smaller states to show how powerful they are. states are power hungry , ruthless and selfish who only care about there own people .
What are some views on society according to nationalists ?
- common view of society, in that it is defined in terms of ethnic or cultural trait
- ciety to that extent is a series of mono-cultural segments. Society is held together and identified by widely held ideas and beliefs - there is no division. Nationalists would see a multicultural society as unstable and not able to unify and work together for any common goal.
What are some nationalist views on the economy?
cross the political spectrum, so there is no distinct or single economic view which emerges from nationalism. Nationalists on the extreme have willingly used economic planning to command the economy in terms of production. Conservative nationalists have been sceptical of large organisations with an international character taking ownership of a country’s economic capital.
What is liberal nationalism ?
Who are the nationalist key thinkers ?
- Jean Jacques rousseau
- Jonann Gottfried von Heder
- Guiseppe mazzini
- Charles maurras
- Marcus Garvey
Name the different types of nationalism ?
- Liberal nationalism
- Conservative nationalism
- Anti -colonial , post colonial nationalism
- Black nationalism
- Expansionaist nationalism
Explain liberal nationalism .
Liberal nationalism is quite fluid which can be oppressive or liberating., liberal nationalism applies the principle of individualism to nations which emerged due to the desire for popular self government. Liberal nations believe in freedom that nations are sovereign entities.
What is an example of a liberal nation .
Germany as it wishes to unite states into one nation
Use some words to describe liberal nationalism ?
- self determination
- believe in balanced harmony
- believe in freedom
- entitled to liberty and rights
- inclusive
Explain conservative nationalism
- emerged due to concerns by conservatives over the threat of liberal nationalism
- Associated with the existing world order
- shaped by traditional monarchy
- apply that principle of organic society to nations , believing nations emerge naturally amongst those who want to live with others
What are some words/ concepts that reflect conservative nationalism ?
- Rejection of self determination
- exclusiveness
- National community
- reject multi multiculturalism
- monarchy the spirit of the nation
Explain anti-colonialism and post colonial nationalism?
These are the types of nationalism that has gone through two stages
Anti colonialism - questioned foreign dominance because the citizens of countries colonised other nations and started to reject colonial dominance example 1914 90% of Africa had been colonised by European powers
- post colonial nationalism is what happens when nations have achieved their goal
give some examples of conflicts regarding nationhood and explain what this means
- Conflict is introduced when another group of people do not consider themselves a nation for example
- conflict in Northern Ireland 169-1998
- the desires for Scottish independence in Scotland
explain the aim of self determination and who this is linked to
self-determination is the primary aims of most nations , this is because most nations believe that only they know what they want.
this links to Jean-Jacques Rousseaus ideas of general will
What happens when a nations desire for self determination is pleased ?
It becomes a nation state, this means a nation rules itself within a geographical area that it controls example - Italy - Denmark known as italians and danes
what two principles are closely linked to the nations?
- self determination
- nation state
apply the idea of self determination to ideas on human nature and society
- Human nature- because self determination is considered to be a rational idea it is connected to the nature of humans reinforcing that idea of nationalism
- Society- self determination is linked to society because it is suggesting that the nation is a genuinely capable of self government and a political community
Apply the idea of the nation state to the state and the economy
- STATE- the concept of the nation state supports the view that natiosn should rule themselves in their own state
- Economy- A nation state has control over its economy and can seek wither a mutually independent model with other nations or autrky
Explain some ideas of race?
- such beliefs argue that race is biological which means that it is unchangeable, ONE IS born into a specific race however only a couple of nationalist believe this
- Forms of nationalism that use race as their determining factor, are highly exclusive as no one can be apart of that nation unless they are born in to it eg Nazi Germany
Apply the concept of racialism to Human nature and the state
- Human nature, Racialism is based on the ideas that ones human nature is connected to ones race and that different races have different qualities
- Society, racialist approaches to nationhood envisions as segregated society in which different races live severalty
Explain the concept of liberal internationalism and what it is concerned with
- Liberal internationalism is concerned with maintaining peace and stability
- liberal internationalists believe that nations should be encouraged to be independent
Harm principle - combination of independence and independence.