key thinkers socalism Flashcards
Who is Karl marx and engles and what are their key works?
- The communist manifesto and capital
- Karl marx and Engles are fundamentalists revolutionary socialist who highly support the destruction of capitalism because it is polluting the nature of humanity
what is Karl Marxs and Engles key ideas on socialism?
- Social class is central to socialism
- Capitalism need to be overthrown and replaced with communism
- The real nature of humans can only be expressed under communism and not under the capitalist economic system
- dictatorship of the proletariat
what is karl marxs arguement on social class?
- Social class is a construct that underpins the key elements of marxism
what is karl marxs view on Human nature?
- Humans are essentially social, rational and cooperative beings with the capacity for development however this has been polluted by capitalism
- Humans are productive and capable of leading lives based on fulfilling work but these conditions do not exist under capitalism because capitalism separates people from their true selves
- Communism is needed for humanity to thrive where workers would realise their true potential where alienation disappears and the cooperative man returns
What is the difference between Revolutionary fundamentalist socialists and evolutionary socialist
The difference between revolutionary socialists and evolutionary socialists are that revs strongly support the destruction of capitalism and the overthrow of that economic system where as evolutionary socialists such as Beatrice Webb support socialism being achieved through parliamentry means
who is beatrice webb ?
- Beatrice Webb is evolutionary socialist who rejects karl marxs idea of a revolution
- Supports the inevitability of gradualness
what are Beatrice’s webbs key ideas on socialism
- Inevitability of gradualness- The establishment of socialism by democratic means through existing parliamentry institutions
- Democratic socialism - the expansion of the state will deliver socialism
What are some of Webbs ideas on human nature?
- Webb belived that because of the selfish , uninformed and limited nature of workers democracy should be representative
- in favour of represnetive democracy instead of direct democracy
What are some of webbs ideas on the state?
- The expansion of the state gradually would achieve socialism
Who is Rosa Luxemburg and what type of socialist is she?
- A fundamentalist revolutionary socialist
- opposed socialism through gradual means
- opposed Leninism
What are some of Rosa Luxemburg key ideas
- Social reform - evolutionary socialism and revisionism not possible because capitalism is based on economic exploitation
- Class consciousness- the proletariat struggle creates the class consciousness needed to overthrow capitalist society
What are some of Luxemburgs ideas economy?
- revolution is needed to effect true change
- according to luxemburg “the masses are the decisive element. they are the rock on which the final victory of the revolution will be built”
What is Luxemburgs ideas on human nature?
- class consciousness would develop naturally within the workers themselves this came from the mass strike , the political party and the trade unions
- Rejected the idea that lenin proposed that a small party was needed to lead the revolution
Who is Anthony crosland and what type of socialist is he
- Anthony crosland is a fundamentalist revisionist
- main works the future of socalism
- supports the reform of capitalism rather than it overthrowl
What are Croslands key ideas ?
- State managed capitalism( its reform) - he argues that the state must manage capitalism in order to deliver social equailty and provide a more egalitarian society
- Equality of outcome/ social democracy
What are Croslands views on the economy?
- in favour of Kenyneism because this would maintain high employment etc
- Economic expansion
What are Croslands views on the state
- High levels of gov spending required on welfare services and the redistribution of wealth
WHO IS Anthony giddens and what type of socialist is he ?
Key works- the third way , the renewal of social democracy
- Revisionist
- Key idea= the THird way
What are Giddens key works?
- The rejection of state intervention - social democracy should be modernised because of globalisation
- The social investment state-
What are Giddens ideas on the economy?
- Free market , this is the most efficient system of production ,
What are is Giddens view on the state
- Equality of opportunity over equality.
- ## social investment highly supports education and infrastructure