Nationalism Types Flashcards
What is the definition of Nationalism?
Nationalism is the belief that the nation should be the central unit of political organisation, as the nation is the only community which is of significance.
What are the core ideas and principles of nationalism?
- Nations- a group of people who have shared values and characteristics eg culture , history etc,
- self determination- the belief that nations should decide how they are governed
- Nation state- a nation that rules itself and controls its own economy.
- Culturalism- that nationalism is based on shared cultural societal values;. reflects the darker side of nationalism
- Racialism, humankind can be meaningfully divided into separate races which each posses different natures to cover the view held by a very small group of nationalists
- Internationalism, the world should unite across boundaries to advance their own common interests in society
What is liberal nationalism and what are some of the ideas its linked with ?
liberal nationalism is the idea that nations should be able to determine their own path ( self determination)
- links to Mazzini’s ideas eg
- Rational form of nationalism as demonstrated by the EU where interdependent economics lead to harmony and growth
- Similar to modern liberals they see the need to support weaker nations instead of the exploitation of weaker ones
What other ideas is liberal nationalism associated with ?
Inclusive- because anyone who is loyal and committed to the nation can be apart of it , its not based on culture , race etc compared to others
- ## based on civic nationalism which links to Rousseau’s ideas
- links to democracy and equality of states
What are some examples of liberal nationalism?
- USA , not all nations are of one race etc , its multicultural
- EU , interdependence has lead to harmony and peace
What is civic nationalism ?
What concepts does conservative nationalism link to?
- Irrationality , conservative nationalism is irrational and nostalgic because it looks backwords and focuses on traditions
- Regressive- wants to go back
- Emotional , linking to disrails one nation conservative ideas
- Excusive , because belonging to a nation involving shared experiences eg language , history
What is conservative nationalism ?
- Conservative nationalism is a type of nationalism that is concerned with its own nation
- which focuses on shared traditions such as culture , history etc and using this to bind the nation together
- The idea that it takes time to
be apart of a nation as an individual need to adopt the national identity and takes time to achieve eg the tebbit cricket test
What are some nationalists that would link to conservative nationalism ?
- Maurras , xenophobic exclusive ideas
What is the tebbit cricket test and what does it show?
The tebbit cricket test cleraly shows the conservative nationalist ideas eg the tebbit cricket test argues that people should support English teams instead of Indian or pakistani because it would be showing national unity and reinforcing those motional conservtive ideas
explain anti colonial nationalism
- this is a type of nationalism where indiginous groups start to question and rejct the authority o their colonial powers and begin to persue a sense of nationhood eg ganial in india
Explain what post colonial nationalism is.
post colonial nationalism is the next stage that looks at nations once they have gained independence, for example Africa in the 20th century after they gained their independence and formed their own states and identities
What other forms does post colonial nationalism take?
well post colonial nationalism can take different forms example marxists and socialist
- can also be about rejecting previous colonial governments and rejuvenating the nation whilist uniting the community for example Tanzania, free education and medical facilities
what concepts can be used to describe post colonial/anti colonial governments ?
- Progressive - in wanting to improve nations
- Reactionary - rejecting previous systems
- Civic - as nations are made up of different tribes eg south africa
- Mixture of inclusive and excessive eg india is divided on religious grounds but in tanzania they are about building a communityb
- Mixture-
what is black nationalism ?
Black nationalism , links to post colonial and anti colonial nationalism because its the belief in creating a new nation free from the colonisers
- links to graves idea of black pride - black people should be proud in their own skin
What is expansionist nationalism and what does it link to ?
Expansionist nationalism is an extreme form of nationalism that rejects liberal nationalism and self determination
- example Nazi Germany and the Slavic races , the Nazis believed they had a right to take their land because they were superior
What are expansionist nationalism
- Regressive - looks and idealises the past
- Integral nationalism
Explain some ideas of chauvinistic nationalism ?
- This is the belief in the superiority of one nation links to expansionist nationalism
- Irrational -
- exclusive - sees national identity based on racial groups
associations with Fascism and imperlism