Nationalism key thinkers Flashcards
What type of nationalist was Rousseau and what were his key works
- He was a liberal nationalist
- Key works include: The social contract, Considerations on the government of Poland
What were some of Rousseau’s ideas on liberal nationalism
- General will, Where a nations gov is based on the collectivity of the community( government should serve the people) which links to the idea of self determination
- Civic nationalism, this is where the state is legitimate because its based on the active participation of its citizens eg America and this allows people to buy into their nation and feel an allegiance to their nation
What other concepts could you link to Rousseau’s idea of liberal nationalism
- Self determination
- democracy not monarchy- differs from conservative nationalism
- Freedom
- Rationalism
- Enlightenment
What type of nationalist was Von Herder and what were his key works ?
- VON Herder is a conservative nationalist
- Key works include: treaties on the .. language
What are some of Von Herders ideas on conservative nationalism?
- Culturalism, the idea that every nation is different and has its own unique set of culture and characteristics that should be protected eg wales and the protection of welsh language and differentiating this from English culture
- VOLK, he identified the volk as the root of national culture which every nation should have and be free to express this.
- Patriotism- nationality was the key to identity. he stated “ he that has lost his patronise spirit has lost himself”
What are some other concepts that we can link to Von herder and his ideas on conservative nationalism ?
- Reactionary
- Emotional
- irrational
- language and this being a key to national identity
- Shared values
What type of nationalist is Mazzini
- mazzini is a ..
- links to liberalism
What were mazzinis key ideas ?
- Self determination- the idea that the nation can only be free when it has the ability to express itself through its own state
- Patrionism- this is the idea that patronism should be the primary focus on all citizens
What other ideas is Mazzini linked to ?
- Nationhood, this links to the idea of self dteremination that humans could only be free when they can express themselves via their own nation
- spirituality, the belief that spirituality/god has divided people into nationality
What are some concepts that we can link to Mazzini ?
- ..
Who is Maurras and what is his key works
Maurras is a expansionist nationalist
- his key works include Journal action franchises
What are some of Maurras ideas ?
- Integral nationalism , this is the idea that individuals should submerge themselves into their nation, promotes aggressive expantionalism , were the states control all aspects of peoples lives
- Anti-individualism- this is the idea that people should put the nations interests before their own , he believed that individualism encourages nations to lose their greatness eg the French revolution
- ## Milltrenarianism - this is the encouragement of nations having a strong military ethos
What are some concepts that we can link to maurras ?
- Exclusiveness
- reactionary
- emotional
- aggressive
What are some concepts that we can link to maurras ?
- Exclusiveness
- reactionary
- emotional
- aggressive
Who is Marcus Garvey ? and what type of nationalism was he ?
- Marcus Garvey is a black nationalist
- his key works include message to the people
What are some of Garveys key ideas
- Black pride - he encouraged black people to be proud of their race and see beauty in their own skin
- Pan Africanism - all Africans must unite together and end an imperial rule and create strong economics and society
- Separatism- racial seperatism would lead to black people gaining political and economic independence
Who are the key thinkers of nationalism
- rousseau
- Mazzini
- Von herder
- Gravey
- Maurass