conservative key thinkers Flashcards
name the conservative key thinkers
- Thomas Hobbs
- Edmund burke
- Michale Oakshott
- Ayan Rand
- Robert nozick
what was thomas hobbs key work? what did this lead to
levithan- outlined a modern justification for the state
what is a key phrase that thomas hobbs has used to describe human nature>
” solitary , poor , nasty , brutish and short”
what is thomas hobbs view on human nature?
thomas hobbs views human nature in a negative light he sees humans as restless in there pursuit of power to satisfy there immediate future desires
- Desire security and supremacy
- he sees humans as selfish and competitive
- humans are roughly equal in strength and ability so must be fearful of others as the “ weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest”
who is edmund burke and what are his key works?
Edmun burke is known as the farther of conservativism
his key works are reflections of the revolution in France
- was a whig MP
what are burkes views on human nature ?
Burke has a sceptical view of human nature , he saw them as foolish but a wise species. humans are unable to achieve perfection.
- he argued against human rationality but supported the idea of humans relying on tradition and custom rather than there own rational thinking
- ## disgareed with hobbs on the idea of a social contract , he argued that the only contract was between the living and the dead and the yet to be born
what are some differences between hobbs and burkes view on human nature
one difference between hobbs and burkes view on human nature is that hobbs argues the idea of social contract where as burke rejects this idea and argues that the only contract is between the dead , the living and the yet to be born where the present must nurure protect tradition to pass it on to the next generation
- takes a less extreme view than hobbs on human nature although argues that humans are foolish he acknowledges there little intelligence
what is burkes view on society
- believes that society is orgamsic , which develops over time , and has stood the change of time
- society is compromised of little communities and organisations “little platoons”
- empiricism - looks at society in the eyes of reality
- rejects the idea of individualism defending the importance of we over i
- uses the word little platoons
- supports hierarchy and the existence of elites , believes that this is natural in organic society’s
who is Ayan rand and what are her key works?
Rand is a new right thinker who looks at
1. Objectivism this is the idea that humans are guided bu there own rational self interest
what are ayan rands views on human nature ?
Ayan rand believes in objectivism
- people are guided by there own self interests
- “man is a being of self made soul” this means that rand belives that humans are not born with sin or with destructive desires
- Believes in the idea of atomism ( collective of individuals
- -
Who argues that humans are needy and vunerable ?
HOBBs which is why he argues that there needs to be authority that they submitt to
Who supports organic change and empiricism ?
- he argues that political change should only be undertaken organically
- Supports the idea of tradition and empiricism
- criticised the french revolution as too extreme which lead to chaos
- Argues that tradition should be respected
Who advocates for objectivism and freedom>
- Ayaan rand
Objectivism – - Advocates the virtue of rational self interests - supports a fair lassez-fair capitalist economy
What are some of Rands views on human nature ?
- Humans are guided by reasons
- self interest and should pursues their own happiness
Who argues that human nature is imperfect >
- human imperfection -
- prgamatism
What are some of Oakshotts views ?
Okahsott argues that there should always be pragmatism the idea that what works best shoudl be used
- Humans can never understand rationality due to the limiited intellectual capacity
What are some of Nozicks ideas >
-Self ownership - own their bodies and talents , labour
Libertarianism – based on Kant’s idea that individuals in
society cannot be treated as a thing, or used against their will
as a resource.
what else does Nozick argues ?
- Liberal political system with minimal state intervention
- Should not be used as a resources
- favours a watchmans state
What are some of Hobbs views on the state
He sees the state as
- State arises contractually from individuals who seek order and security. ( Hobbs social contract theory)
- Necessary to deal with the flawed nature of humans
- Individuals desire order and security and the state provides this
What are some of Hobbs views on society ?
- He argues that the state is more important than society
- There can be no society until the creation of the state brings order and authority to human affairs.
What are Burkes views of the state?
-Organic analogy- this is the idea that state develops over time to meet the needs of its members
- state should be ruled by aristocratic and driven by the elite as they rule in the interests of all
What are some of Burkes views on the economy
- Trade should involve organic free markets and lazier fare capitalism
What are some of Rands views on the state ?
- State should confine itself to law order and national security.
- She favours ideas on positive liberty- the idea that there should be little state intervention
What are some of Rand’s views on society >
- Society is atomistic
What are some of Rands views on the economy ?
- Free market capitalism is an expression of objectivism -
What is Oakshott’s views on individualism ?
- Egotistical individualism this is the idea that individuals are driven by a desire for self ownership which allows them to fulfil there full potential
What are some of Oakshotts views on the state ?
- Supports ideas of public services
What are Oakshott’s views on society ?
- soictey shoucl be geared towards individual self fufilment
- collectivism ?