Social Structure and Demographics Flashcards
Social Structure
system of people within a society organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships
Functionalism or Functional Analysis
Study of the structure and function of each part of society
beneficial consequence of people’s actions
harmful consequences that undermine a social system’s equilibrium
Manifest Function
action that is intended to help some part of the system
Latent Functions
unintended positive consequences on other parts of society that come from a manifest function
Conflict Theory
focuses on how power differentials are created and how these differentials contribute to the maintenance of social order
Symbolic Interactionism
study of the ways individuals interact through a shared understanding of words, gestures, and other symbols
Social Constructionism
Focuses on how individuals put together their social reality
Rational Choice Theory
focuses on decision-making in an individual and attempts to reduce this process to a careful consideration of benefits and harms to the individual
Exchange Theory
extension of above theory. This theory focuses only on interactions within groups
Feminist Theory
Attempts to explain social inequalities that exist on the basis of gender
Gender Roles
behaviors expected of a given gender
Glass Ceiling
women have more difficulty attaining top-level administrative positions within a company
Social Institutions
Well established social structures that dictate certain patterns of behavior or relationships and are accepted as a fundamental part of culture
Patterns of kinship
tend to change over time and area
Teacher expectancy
idea that teachers tend to get what they expect from students
how religious one considers themselves to be
shift away from religion as society moves towards rationality and scientific thinking
maintenance of strict adherence to religious code
physician has a responsibility to act in the patient’s best interests
do no harm; physician has a responsibility to avoid treatment or interventions in which the potential for harm outweighs the potential for benefit
Respect for Patient Autonomy
physician has responsibility to respect patients’ decisions and choices about their own healthcare
physician has a responsibility to treat similar patients with similar care, and to distribute healthcare resources fairly