Learning and memory Flashcards
way we acquire new behaviors
anything to which an organism can respond
repeated exposure to same stimulus may cause a decrease in response
recovery of response to a stimulus after habituation has occurred
Associative learning
- Creation of a pairing or association between two stimuli or between a behavior and a response
- Classical and operant conditioning
Classical conditioning
- Ivan Pavlov
- Uses biological responses to create associations between two unrelated stimuli
- Can cause innate or reflexive response
Unconditioned stimulus
event causes a reflexive response
Neutral stimuli
event that does not cause a reflexive response
Conditioned stimulus
normally neutral stimulus that now, through association, causes a reflexive response
Conditioned response
reflexive response caused by a conditioned stimulus
Process of taking advantage of a reflexive, unconditioned stimulus to turn a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus
may occur when a conditioned stimulus is presented without the
unconditioned stimulus enough times
Effect where a similar stimulus to the conditioned stimulus can also produce the conditioned response
organisms learns to distinguish between two similar stimuli.
Operant Conditioning
links voluntary behaviors with consequences. Attempts to alter the frequency of
those behaviors
Behaviorism theory
- B.F Skinner
- all behaviors are conditioned
Process of increasing the likelihood that an individual will perform a behavior
Positive reinforcers
- increase a behavior by adding a positive consequence/ incentive after the behavior is shown
- Example: Money
Negative reinforcers
-increase the frequency of a behavior by removing
something unpleasant
-Example: taking medicine when sick to feel better
Escape Learning
-Type of negative reinforcer
-role of behavior is to reduce the unpleasantness of something
that already exists
Avoidance Learning
- Type of negative reinforcer
- meant to prevent the unpleasantness of something that has yet to happen
Primary reinforcer
something that the organism would respond to naturally
Conditioned or secondary reinforcer
stimulus that would not normally cause a reinforcement
Discriminative stimulus
indicates that the reward is potentially available
Uses conditioning to reduce the occurrence of a behavior
Positive punishment
adds an unpleasant consequence in response to a behavior
Negative punishment
reduction of a behavior when a stimulus is removed
Reinforcement schedules
Rate at which desired behaviors are acquired is affected by the schedule being used to
affect the behaviors
Fixed Ratio (FR) Schedules
reinforce a behavior after a specific number of performances of that behavior
Continuous reinforcement
FR schedule where behavior is rewarded every time it is performed
Variable-ratio (VR) Schedules
-reinforce a behavior after a varying number of
performances of that behavior
-average number of performances to receive a reward is relatively constant
Fixed-interval (FI) Schedules
reinforce the first instance of a behavior after a specified time period has elapsed
Variable Interval (VI) Schedules
reinforce a behavior for the first time that the behavior is performed after a varying time interval
Process of rewarding increasingly specific behaviors
Latent Learning
learning that occurs without reward; However, learned behavior happens spontaneously when reward is introduced
Problem solving
trial and error approach in which behaviors are tested until reward is yielded