Soc 4 Fitness Testing Flashcards
What is the purpose of the hand grip strength test?
This tests the strength in the hand.
What is the purpose of the one minute press up test?
This tests muscular endurance.
What is the purpose of the one minute sit up test?
This tests abdominal muscular endurance.
What is the purpose of the 30m sprint?
This tests a persons speed.
What is the purpose of the vertical jump?
This tests leg power.
What is the purpose of the sit and reach test?
This measures the flexibility of the hamstrings and low back muscles.
What is the purpose of the 12 minute run test?
This tests cardiovascular fitness and estimates VO2 max.
What is the purpose of the Harvard step test?
Tests cardiovascular endurance as the source is based on heart rate.
What is the value of fitness testing?
It motivates you
They monitor your progress
It is value able as you need good fitness to perform to the best of your ability.