SM_24b: Anatomy of the Larynx Flashcards
Piriform recess is between the ____ and ____
Piriform recess is between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages of the larynx on each side
(food can get stuck there)
(nasopharynx is above the soft palate, epiglottis guards entryway to larynx, thyroid cartilage is a plate)

Foramen cecum is ____
Foramen cecum is where thyroid gland buds off foregut
(median glossoepiglottic fold is between tongue and epiglottis in midline, valleculae are spaces on either side of the fold that function as spit traps)

Vocal cords attach from ____ to ____
Vocal cords attach from arytenoids to thyroid cartilage
(glottis is true vocal cords)

Sternothyroid is attached to ____
Sternothyroid is attached to thyroid cartilage

Inferior constrictor attaches the ____ and ____
Inferior constrictor attaches the thyroid cartilage and cricoid cartilage

____ enters thyroid from above and responsible for cough reflex
Internal laryngeal nerve enters thyroid from above and responsible for cough reflex

Thyroid cartilage is a ___
Thyroid cartilage is a plate
(inferior borders articulate with cricoid cartilage in synovial joint)

Describe movements of thyroid cartilage
Thyroid cartilage movements
- Moves back -> vocal cords shorten -> lower pitch of voice
- Abducted -> increase volume of airway
- Adducted -> raise intrabdominal pressure for coughing, labor, etc

Thyroid cartilage is adducted to ____
Thyroid cartilage is adducted to raise intrabdominal pressure
(coughing, labor, etc)

____ separates true and false vocal folds
Ventricle separates true and false vocal folds
- True folds comprise glottis
- Vestibule is space above the folds
- Infraglottic cavity is below the folds
- Rima glottidis is fissure between true cords

____ is above the folds, while ____ is below the folds
Vestibule is space above the folds, while infraglottic cavity is below the folds

Triangular membrane is ____
Triangular membrane is conus elasticus
- Bounds infraglottic cavity
- Upper edge is vocal ligament
- Includes cricothyroid ligament / membrane

____ bounds vestibule
Quadrangular membrane bounds vestibule
(terminates at vestibular ligament)

Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle ____
Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle pulls in opposite side relative to posterior

Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle ____
Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle pulls in opposite side relative to posterior

Posterior cricoarytenoids ____ by ____, ____ the airway
Posterior cricoarytenoids abduct vocal folds by rotating the arytenoid cartilages, opening the airway

Lateral cricoarytenoids ____ and ____ the airway to ____
Lateral cricoarytenoids adduct the vocal folds and close the airway to raise pressure in the thorax and abdomen
(for straining, coughing)

Transverse arytenoid pulls ____ to complete ____
Transverse arytenoid pulls arytenoid cartilages together to complete adduction
(works with lateral cricoarytenoid - lateral cricoarytenoid without transverse makes voice a whisper)

Cricothyroid pulls thyroid cartilage ___ and ___, the vocal folds to ___
Cricothyroid pulls thyroid cartilage down and forward, stretching the vocal folds to raise the pitch of the voice

Thyroarytenoid and vocalis ____ to ____
Thyroarytenoid and vocalis shorten vocal folds to lower the pitch of the voice
(shorten vocal cord)
(vocalis muscle produces graded tension in the vocal ligaments)

Aryepiglottic muscle ____, while the thyroepiglottic muscle ____
Aryepiglottic muscle pulls epiglottis posteriorly to help close larynx, while the thyroepiglottic muscle pulls epiglottis forward to help open the larynx

Back of vocal folds ____
Back of vocal folds close / open the larynx

Vocal cord will remain close to midline in ____
Vocal cord will remain close to midline in recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis

Infrahyoid strap muscles are innervated by the ____
Infrahyoid strap muscles are innervated by the ansa cervicalis

Describe vagus branches in the neck
Vagus branches in the neck
- Pharyngeal branch to constrictor and palate muscles (except tensor)
- Superior laryngeal splits into internal laryngeal (visceral sensory to larynx above vocal cords) and external laryngeal (motor to cricothyroid muscle), parasympathetics
- Inferior (recurrent) laryngeal: motor to all other laryngeal muscles, visceral sensory below vocal cords, parasympathetics

Internal laryngeal part of superior laryngeal nerve is responsible for ____
Internal laryngeal part of superior laryngeal nerve is responsible for cough relfex

Most of thyroid and epiglottis comes from ____, while the cricoid and others come from ____
Most of thyroid and epiglottis comes from Arch 4, while the cricoid and others come from Arch 6

Larynx and airway are ____ extensions of the ____
Larynx and airway are ventral splanchnopleure extensions of the foregut

In newborns, epiglottis ____ soft palate
In newborns, epiglottis touches soft palate
(adults have long pharynx)
(nasopharynx is above oropharynx, which is above laryngopharynx)

Infant larynx can be elevated to overlap the ____ with the ____, which separates ____ and ____ passes to allow ____
Infant larynx can be elevated to overlap the glottis with the soft palate, which separates air and GI passages to allow easier breathing while suckling

Pouch 3 forms ____, while Pouch 4 gives rise to ____
Pouch 3 forms thymus gland, while Pouch 4 gives rise to superior parathyroid
(tongue covered with ectoderm)

Tongue is on the floor of the ____ and ____
Tongue is on the floor of the stomodeum and foregut