SM_21b: Oral Cavity Flashcards
Oral cavity is contained within the ____ and contains the ____, ____, and ____
Oral cavity is contained within the dental arches and contains the tongue (anterior 2/3), lingual frenulum with submandibular salivary gland openings, and sublingual salivary glands under plica sublingualis

Vestibule is between ____ and ____ and contains the ____, ____, and ____
Vestibule is between lips and teeth and contains the loose and attached gingiva (gums), labial frenulum, and openings of parotid gland ducts

Greater palatine nerve is sensory to the ____, while lesser palatine nerve is sensory to the ____
Greater palatine nerve is sensory to the hard palate, while lesser palatine nerve is sensory to the soft palate
Bony palate in roof of oral cavity is composed of the ____ and ____
Bony palate in roof of oral cavity is composed of the maxilla and horizontal plates of the palatine bones

Soft palate has the ____ behind the bony palate and numerous ____
Soft palate has the uvula behind the bony palate and numerous salivary glands

____ is floor of oral cavity
Mylohyoid muscle is floor of oral cavity

Coronoid process of mandible is insertion for ____
Coronoid process of mandible is insertion for temporalis muscle

____ is lateral wall of oral cavity and is innervated by ____
Buccinator muscle is lateral wall of oral cavity and is innervated by CN VII (facial)

Oral cavity - pharynx boundary is delineated by the ____ and ____
Oral cavity - pharynx boundary is delineated by the sulcus terminalis and palatoglossal arch
(posterior third of tongue has lingual tonsils in pharynx, foramen cecum is origin of thyroid gland)

____ raises soft palate for mouth breathing
Levator palati raises soft palate for mouth breathing
(both arch muscles pull soft palate down against tongue for nose breathing, posterior third of mouth is bumpy because of lingual tonsils)

____ is between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
Palatine tonsil is between the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches

Lining of oral cavity comes from ____
Lining of oral cavity comes from ectodermal stomodeum
- Inside lining of first pharyngeal arch
- General sensory neurons in: lingual nerve (V3), buccal nerve (V3), nasopalatine nerve (V2), and greater palatine nerve (V2)
- Lesser palatine nerve (V2) does soft palate

____ is site of the thyroid diverticulum
Foramen cecum is site of the thyroid diverticulum

Developing tongue is on the floor of the ____ and ____
Developing tongue is on the floor of the stomodeum and foregut
(Arch 2 diminishes: most of 2nd arch migrates over face to form muscles of facial expression)

Describe the midsagittal section through the stomodeum and foregut
Midsagittal section through the stomodeum and foregut

____ and ____ flank the stomodeum
Frontonasal process and maxillary / mandibular parts of first pharyngeal arch flank the stomodeum
(day 24)
(frontonasal process contributes to forehead and nose)

Medial and lateral nasal swellings appear on the ____ at days 31 and 33
Medial and lateral nasal swellings appear on the frontonasal process at days 31 and 33

Medial nasal swellings fuse into an ____, forming the ____
Medial nasal swellings fuse into an intermaxillary segment, forming the primary palate
(day 35)
(cartilage in front of external auditory meatus comes from Arch 1, cartilage behind comes from Arch 2)

Intermaxillary segment gives rise to the ____ plus the ____ and ____ at days 40 to 48
Intermaxillary segment gives rise to the primary palate plus the external nose and part of the upper lip at days 40 to 48

Mesoderm inside the processes needs to fuse to form ____
Mesoderm inside the processes needs to fuse to form clefts
- Nasolacrimal groove -> duct
- Midline cleft is when mesoderm forming Arch 2 does not migrate to orbicularis oris)

Olfactory placodes invaginate as ____
Olfactory placodes invaginate as nasal sacs
(primary palate separates primitive nasal cavity from oral cavity)

Nasal sacs break through the ____
Nasal sacs break through the stomodeum
(primary palate, nasal septum, and primitive nasal cavity and oral cavity that are further separated by a secondary palate)

Secondary palate comes from the ____
Secondary palate comes from the lateral palatine process
- Primary palate, primary nasal septum, and lateral palatine processes grow towards each other
- Secondary palate helps you breathe while chewing

Lateral palatine process fuses to each other and then to nasal septum to form ____, ____, and ____
Lateral palatine process fuses to each other and then to nasal septum to form posterior maxilla, palatine bones, and soft palate

____ and ____ come from the primary palate
Premaxilla and upper incisors come from the primary palate

____ occurs when palates do not fuse properly
Cleft palate occurs when palates do not fuse properly
- Failure of fusion of one lateral palatine process with nasal septum and other palatine process
- If nasal cavity not separated from oral cavity, no suction so cannot feed

Tongue muscles receive ____ innervation from ____
Tongue muscles receive somatomotor innervation from CN XII (hypoglossal)
- Hypoglossal nerve innervates intrinsic tongue muscles and most extrinsic
- Palatoglossus is innervated by the vagus nerve

Genioglossus muscle is innervated by ____ and functions to ____, ____, and ____ the tongue
Genioglossus muscle is innervated by CN XII (hypoglossal) and functions to protract, retract, and depress the tongue
- Only muscle that can protract the tongue and keep it out of the airway / keep pharynx open

Hyoglossus muscle is innervated by ____ and functions to ____ and ____ the tongue
Hyoglossus muscle is innervated by ____ and functions to depress and retract the tongue

Styloglossus muscle is innervated by ____ and functions to ____ and ____ the tongue
Styloglossus muscle is innervated by CN XII (hypoglossal) and functions to retract and elevate the tongue

Describe sensory innervation of the tongue
Sensory innervation of the tongue
- General sensory: V3
- Visceral sensory: X, IX
- Taste: X, IX, VII via chorda tympani

____ is the pretrematic nerve of the facial nerve and brings taste to the ____ and parasympathetics to the ____
Facial nerve is the pretrematic nerve of the facial nerve and brings taste to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and parasympathetics to the salivary glands

Lingual nerve spirals ___
Lingual nerve spirals under the duct of the submandibular gland
- Lingual nerve is much more superficial than CN XII, which enters muscle
- Lingual nerve and CN XII pass between hypoglossus and mylohyoid muscles