SM_19b: Infratemporal Fossa Lab Tutorial Flashcards
Temporal fossa contains the _____
Temporal fossa contains the temporalis muscle

Infratemporal fossa contains the ____, ____, and ____
Infratemporal fossa contains the mandibular nerve, maxillary artery, and pterygoid muscles

Pterygopalatine fossa contains the ____, ____, and ____
Pterygopalatine fossa contains the maxillary nerve, pterygopalatine ganglion, and sphenopalatine artery

Temporalis muscle inserts on the ____
Temporalis muscle inserts on the coronoid process

Describe bony features of the infratemporal fossa
Bony features of the infratemporal fossa
- Palatine bone has horizontal and perpendicular plate
- Petrous part of temporal bone separates sphenoid from occipital
- Foramen ovale is where mandibular nerve exits
- Foramen spinosum is where middle meningeal artery exits

____ is lateral wall of the oral cavity
Buccinator is lateral wall of the oral cavity

____ is between the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles
Mandibular nerve is between the lateral and medial pterygoid muscles

Flexion-extension at the TMJ involves ___
Flexion-extension at the TMJ involves thickening of the joint capsule medially and laterally to strengthen the ligaments

Describe temporomandibular joint movements
Temporomandibular joint movements
- At rest: mandibular condyle is against the articular disk in the mandibular fossa
- Mouth open: the mandibular condyle and disk move forward onto the articular tubercle
- TMJ dislocation: condyles move anterior to the articular tubercle

Infratemporal fossa contains four sensory mandibular nerve (V3) branches: ____, ____, ____, and ____
Infratemporal fossa contains four sensory mandibular nerve (V3) branches: auriculotemporal, buccal, inferior alveolar, and lingual
Infratemporal fossa contains four motor mandibular nerve (V3) branches: ____, ____, ____, and ____
Infratemporal fossa contains four motor mandibular nerve (V3) branches: temporal, pterygoid, masseteric, and mylohyoid (from inferior alveolar)

Infratemporal fossa contains four cutaneous mandibular nerve (V3) branches: ____, ____, ____, and ____
Infratemporal fossa contains four cutaneous mandibular nerve (V3) branches: auriculotemporal nerve, lingual, inferior alveolar nerve, and buccal nerve

___ divides against the middle meningeal artery
Auriculotemporal nerve divides against the middle meningeal artery
(taste fibers come from facial nerve via chorda tympani, parasympathetics hop onto the lingual nerve via chorda tympani)

____ can be mistaken for inferior alveolar nerve
Sphenomandibular ligament can be mistaken for inferior alveolar nerve

Infratemporal fossa arteries include the ____, ____, ____, and ____
Infratemporal fossa arteries include the superficial temporal artery, middle meningeal artery, sphenopalatine artery, and maxillary artery

Maxillary artery may be ____ or ____ to the lateral pterygoid muscle
Maxillary artery may be lateral or medial to the lateral pterygoid muscle

Summarize the major structures / concepts of the infratemporal fossa
Infratemporal fossa