Sleep / Sleep Disorders Flashcards
How many hours of sleep are required by an adult per night
Does exercise recovery occur during sleep?
Does tissue repair occur during sleep?
The two main types of sleep are REM and non-REM. Which makes up the start and end of the night?
non-REM start of night
REM end of night
During non-REM sleep, cerebral blood flow is reduced. T or F
During REM sleep, cerebral blood flow is reduced. T or F
false, increased
What effect does non-REM sleep have on HR
What effect does non-REM sleep have on BP
In which type of sleep, REM or non-REM, are muscles partially relaxed? and which type are muscles atonic (except the diaphragm and extraocular)
non-REM partial muscle relaxation.
REM atonic muscles except diaphragm and extraocular
Which type of sleep, REM or non-REM, has more emotional images, and which has more narrative images?
REM sleep emotional images
non-REM narrative images
Which type of sleep makes up 3/4 of the night in a young adult?
non-REM sleep
What type of sleep has fast brain activity similar to being aware on EEG?
REM sleep
What type of sleep shows synchronised rhythmic activity on EEG?
non-REM sleep
What type of sleep is important for neonate development?
REM sleep
What type of sleep is dispensable when adult?
REM sleep