Peripheral Neuropathies Flashcards
how are reflexes affected in large motor fibre neuropathies
reflexes absent
how are reflexes affected in large sensory fibre neuropathies
reflexes absent
how are reflexes affected in small fibre neuropathies
reflexes present
what type of neuropathy can cause impotence, nausea, orthostatic hypotension and dizziness?
autonomic neuropathy
how are reflexes affected in autonomic neuropathies
reflexes present
does mononeuritis multiplex affect proximally or distally?
is mononeuritis multiplex symmetric?
is mononeuritis multiplex a mononeuropathy or polyneuropathy?
what modalities are affected in mononeuritis multiplex?
sensory + motor
what is the aetiology of mononeuritis multiplex?
vasculitis, DM
what is the mx of mononeuritis multiplex?
IV CCS +- cyclophosphamide
myeloma, breast cancer and SCLC can cause why type of neuropathy?
paraneoplastic axonal neuropathy
DM, B12/folate deficiency, hypothyroid, chronic uraemia, porphyria can cause why type of neuropathy?
metabolic axonal neuropathy
what condition is a risk factor for bell’s palsy
what is the mechanism of bell’s palsy
idiopathic / unknown
is bell’s palsy a LMN or UMN problem
Can have either LMN or UMN VII palsy
Bell’s is LMN
is bell’s palsy uni or bilateral
what factor distinguishes an UMN and LMN lesion in bell’s palsy
can’t wrinkle forehead = LMN
can bell’s palsy cause excessive eye watering or absent eye watering?
excessive eye watering (epiphora)
diagnosis of bell’s palsy
management of bell’s palsy in primary care
early PO CCS, +- acyclovir
what type of ulcer is a comp of bell’s palsy?
corneal ulcer