Slavery Flashcards
King cotton
First half of 1800s in south
Most plantations grew cotton
By 1820, how many pounds of cotton? 1850?
160 mil
A billion
1860: cotton made up how much of American exports?
Where was the cotton belt?
Economies relied almost completely on cotton from South Carolina to Texas
Why was farming the southern economy?
Geography perfect for it
What did VA and NC grow?
What did SC grow?
Sugar and rice
What did KY produce?
How many families owned plantations?
What fraction of spaces lived in big plantations with at least 50 slaves?
How did Southern cities develop? Examples.
Gradually. New Orleans, Charleston, Richmond
Most free Africans lived in Southern…
Towns or cities
By ___ all northern states had passed laws ending slavery
Congress wasn’t allowed to ban slavery until…
Describe Vessey’s plan
Denmark Vessey was a carpenter and preacher who fought his own freedom. In 1822, planned to seize Charleston with hundreds of slaves. But his followers betrayed him and he and 34 others were hanged and 42 were expelled from SC
Describe Turner’s rebellion
Nat Turner was a preacher. In August 1831, he led 70 slaves on raids of white farms in VA, massacring the white people. In response to his killing of >50, VA hanged 20 slaves, and whites killed 120 random Africans and tightened the slave code.
What is the abolitionist movement?
Started by free Africans and whites, it was a movement to end slavery that gained momentum in the 1830s
Who is Benjamin Lundy?
- abolitionist Quaker
- started an antislavery newspaper in Ohio called “The Genius of Universal Emancipation” in 1821
- end us slave trade, gradual abolition
Program to send free Africans and emancipated slaves back to Africa. 1817- start of American Colonization Society. Established Liberia in 1822 to send them to. Jehudi Ashmun. Rid US of blacks instead of equality
William Lloyd Garrison
Radical abolitionist and white Bostonian. Founded The Liberator and the American Antislavery Society
Frederick Douglass
Leader, speaker, writer, former slave. Illegally learned to read, survived a slave breaker, then escaped to MA in 1838. Worked with AASS after giving an amazing impromptu speech at a convention. Life and Times of… And the North Star
Id Three divisions in abolitionist movement
What was the division in abolition over gender?
Should women speak up about it if they can’t vote on it?
What was the division in abolition over race?
Blacks believed in more urgent and radical abolition
What was the division in abolition over tactics?
Garrison said that the Constitution supported slavery, so people should fight at the state level. Some disagreed.
What did Sarah Grimke write?
Epistle to the Clergy of Southern states
What did Angelina Grimke write?
An Appeal to Christian Women of the South: enlisting women
Sojourner Truth
Freed in 1827
Abolitionist and women’s rights activist
Traveled extensively as a lecturer
Wrote the Narrative of…
Martin Delany
One of the first Africans to graduate from Harvard med. founded newspaper “The Mystery,” criticized white abolitionists, supported colonization
How did the Underground Railroad get its name?
Underground: secret
Railroad: path on foot or by wagon
Underground Railroad
Network of escape routes and safe stops to escape to freedom led by conductors or guides.
Three UR routes
West- MS River
East- swamps by coast
Mountains- Appalachians
Center of railroad was Ohio area
Harriet Tubman
Most famous conductor
Black Moses
Rescued 300 slaves
Elijah p lovejoy
Edited St. Louis observer
Called for grad emancipation
Nov 7 1837: rioters attacked his building and shot and killed him
Attack on Garrison
1835 Garrison was captured and paraded around Boston with a rope around his neck
Gag rule
South postmasters refused to deliver abolitionist lit
1836 Southerners passed gag rule that prohibited antislavery petitions from being read or acted upon by the house for the next 8 years