Expansion Part 2 Flashcards
Henry Clay
Senator from Kentucky
Long time opponent of Daniel Webster
Came up with Compromise of 1850
When was Compromise of 1850 proposed? (Other than 1850)
After California asked to join the union
Compromise of 1850
Parts and which favored North or South
Did it pass?
- CA would be admitted as a free state (N)
- NM and UT would decide slavery on own
- Congress abolish selling slaves in DC
- TX would give up claims to NM for $10 million
- Fugitive Slave Act (S)
Fugitive slave act
Asked all citizens to return escaped slaves, property, to masters without a trial by jury for the enslaved
John C. Calhoun
Senator of SC.
Slavery is a positive good for both slave and master.
Felt N controlled govt.
Believed that states have the right to nullify or even secede.
Disagreed with Compromise, wanted North/abolitionists to stop talking about slavery.
Daniel Webster
Senator of MA.
Last senate oration was him agreeing with Compromise. Usually Clay’s opponent but now agreeing, which enraged N abolitionists. Believe Compromise was best way to save Union and avoid war; said slavery wasn’t practical in NM and constitutional duty to return slaves
Native born Americans receive better treatment than immigrants
1846-1854: 3 million Europeans come to US, like the Irish because of the potato famine and the German and many Catholics.
Know-Nothing Party
Nativist political organization
Feared Catholics and worried about immigration
Stephen Douglas
Illinois senator
Wanted Chicago to benefit from development of the west.
Wanted to run for President, but needed support of S Democrats.
Pushed for statehood of KS and NE- to be free under Missouri Compromise
Proposed Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Supported popular sovereignty, letting people in territory decide slavery instead of Congress. Knew S would like and N wouldn’t care because both states would likely vote free due to climate. Passed, but backfired because inspired Republican Party
Republican Party
N outraged and disgusted by Douglas- “a sellout to the South”
So they launched new party dedicated to stopping slavery, the Slave Power, and demanded repeal of KNA and FSA.
Free Soilers
After KNA, pro- and anti- slavery groups tried to win majority of voters in region Emigrant Aid Societies in N sent 1200 New Englanders to settle in KS. Free Soilers were new settlers who worked to end slavery in territories; MO pro settlers organized secret societies to oppose them by crossing border to illegally vote in territorial electors. 1855: 2 capitals, Topeka was anti and Lecompton was pro.
Bleeding Kansas
1856: group of pro southerners looted newspaper offices and homes in free soil Lawrence KS. Night of May 24: John Brown led several New Englanders to pro settlement near Pottawatomie Creek and killed 5 men in front of their families. Sparked a summer of murderous raids and earned territory the name.
Charles Sumner
Senator from MA gave fiery antislavery speech called “The Crime Against Kansas” and insulted SC senator Andrew Butler. Butler’s nephew Preston Brooks went to Sumner and beat him with a cane. Southerners supported Brooks’ actions.
Election of 1856
Democrat James Buchanan vs. Republican John Fremont vs. Know-Nothing Millard Filmore. Dems supported Compromise of 1850 and KNA. Repubs said govt should restrict slavery, KS should be free. Buchanan won with solid support of S and a few N states, wanted Supreme Court to solve slavery issue.
Dred Scott Decision
March 1857: Dred Scott vs. Sandford
Sued for freedom because he had lived in free territory.
SC ruled 7-2 against Scott, ruling that he was not a citizen and had no right to sue in court. Slaves were property, 5th amendment protected property, therefore Congress had no power to ban slavery. N was outraged, Buchanan supported decision and hoped the slavery discussion was over
Lecompton Constitution
Fall 1857: proslavery group in KS elected members to a convention to write the constitution required to attain statehood. Endorsed by Buchanan. Defeated by Free Soiler Settlers in 1858. KS remained a territory where slavery was legal according to Dred Scott
Lincoln Douglas Debates
Illinois 1858: Stephen Douglas ran for reelection to the Senate against Abraham Lincoln.
Series of 7 debates on slavery in territories.
Covered by newspapers.
Douglas won.
Differences between Douglas and Lincoln in debates
D was a short, stout, elegantly dressed Dem. L was a tall, awkward, plain clothes Repub. D supported slavery but specifically popular sovereignty and majority rule. L supported minority rights (a majority should not be able to deny a minority it’s rights) and felt slavery was morally wrong but would die eventually, didn’t think blacks were equal.
How did Douglas and Lincoln attempt to portray their opponent?
D depicted L as a raving abolitionist; L cast D as a big Dred Scott supporter.
Lincoln’s big speech
June 1858
Springfield Illinois
“A house divided against itself cannot stand”
John Brown’s second attack.
October 16, 1859: John Brown attacked the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry, VA with 21 men and 5 Africans. Wanted to seize weapons to give to enslaved people to revolt. US troops under Colonel Robert E. Lee forced them to surrender. Brown was convicted of treason and hanged. N hailed him as a martyr.
Who did Buchanan think was responsible for solving the slavery question?
Supreme Court
Who was Dred Scott and why was he suing for freedom?
Slave of army surgeon Dr. Emerson who had just died. Sued because since he had lived in places that banned slavery, he believed that he was legally free.
What were the 3 points of the Supreme Court ruling in the Dred Scott case?
- Blacks were not citizens so they had no rights or standing before court.
- Because he was a slave, he was property.
- According to the fifth amendment Congress can’t deprive citizens of property, so any slavery-restricting legislation (the NW Ordinance of 1787, the Missouri Compromise of 1820, and the Compromise of 1850) was no longer valid.
What two unexpected results did the Dred Scott decision?
Furthered split between northern and southern democrats.
Strengthened Republicans.
What were Douglas and Lincoln competing for?
Illinois senator seat
What experienced did Lincoln have? What were his early jobs?
Ran a general store
Was a lawyer
One term as a representative
What was each candidate’s plan of attack in the Lincoln Douglas debate?
Douglas made Lincoln look like a raving abolitionist. Lincoln depicted Douglas as a Dred Scott supporter.
What were Lincoln’s views on slavery?
Opposed slavery but did not believe that black people should be socially and politically equal to white people
How did Douglas shoot himself in the foot?
He essentially denounced the Dred Scott decision in a debate. He won the Illinois senator seat, but in the long run (for president), Southern Demorcrats would not support him.
Who funded John Brown’s plan?
The Secret Six, a group of wealthy New England supporters and friends of Brown
What was Brown’s plan
March south
Arm slaves
Establish a black republic in the Appalachians to wage war on the south.
Who did John Brown confide in?
Frederick Douglas, who thought the plan was suicidal
How did the north and south view Brown’s actions?
The N condemned violence but believe that Brown was a martyr for a just cause. The S viewed him as an extreme meddling N abolitionist and they were furious.