Expansion And Its Consequences Flashcards
The unified nation
1861: Civil War broke out between north and south, determined whether the union would survive
North vs. south
North was more urban, industrialized, twice the population
Railroads transformed shipping, telegraphs transformed communication in North.
South tried to catch up, but mostly used waterways
What percent of railroad tracks were in the North?
Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written by:
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Uncle Tom’s Cabin story
Pre civil war south
Eliza Harris: slave escapes KY plantation with baby with help from the Underground Railroad
Uncle Tom: kind slave is sold down the river and beaten to death
Eva: angelic but ill daughter of a New Orleans plantation owner
Simon Legree: Tom’s master is an unmarried, antichristian, alcoholic bully
Includes powerful scene where N women influence husbands to save slaves
Effects of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Powerful statement about slavery
Many northerners thought that slavery would ruin US
South thought book was insulting lies. Claimed that plantations were big happy families that cared for slaves more than Northern factory owners cared for workers.
Stowe received the ear of a disobedient slave in the mail
What is a Tom show?
Minstrel entertainment used by blacks to portray Uncle Tom as a lackey to whites
Or by whites in black face to perpetuate stereotypes
Cannibals All!
George Fitzhugh
Attacked Northern industrialists’ hypocrisy and treatment of workers
Used as a rebuttal to Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Samuel F. B. Morse
Created telegraph in 1844
Sent messages by electric pulses (morse code)
Magnified differences between N and S because communication advanced more in N as telegraph wires were strung along the tracks while the S only dominated in cotton and slavery.
Manifest Destiny
Migration west surged in 1830s and 40s
Phrase coined by NY journalist John L. O’Sullivan
Nation’s undeniable fate to spread from coast to coast and possess whole continent
Greatest motivator=greed
To annex
To join (the states)
__ won independence from ______ in #### and did what?
Voted to be annexed
North vs South
Annexing Texas
South and Democrats in favor: another slave state
North and Whigs opposed: feared more powerful South
Many across all states feared war with Mexico
What was Mexico’s response to Texas’s desire to be annexed?
Santa Anna promised war
President (who) annexed TX in (what year), but the Senate defeated the treaty.
John Tyler
President (who) asked Congress to approve the treaty making TX the (which number) state.
James Polk
Mexico’s response to the annexation of TX
Broke off relations with US
Tense relationship as neighbors
Where was the south border of Texas?
US said Rio Grande
Mexico said Nueces River
John Slidell
Ambassador sent by Polk to buy NM and CA for $30 million. Mexico refused.
The last straw: what happened shortly before war was declared?
Polk sent General Zachary Taylor and 3000 men to patrol border, a short fight broke out killing some, Congress declared war.
Cause of the Mexican War
Border dispute, a first for the Americans compared to wars over independence, foreign affairs, etc.
Battles of the Mexican War
- Bear Flag Revolt
- Kearney and Fremont
- Battle of Buena Vista
General Stephen Kearney and John Fremont
Captured Santa Fe, then traveled down Rio Grande and to CA
Bear Flag Revolt
1846 William B Ide Attacked Sonoma Proclaimed it Republic of CA had a flag with a bear and star
Battle of Buena Vista
February 1847
General Zachary Taylor defeated Santa Anna
Santa Anna claimed victory though and fled to Mexico City
General Winfield Scott finally defeated Santa Anna and captured the city
What ended the Mexican War and what were the terms?
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- Mexico gave up TX; Rio Grande is border
- Mexico gave up NM and CA
- US paid Mexico $15 mil
- US paid $3 mil to claims made by Americans against Mexico
Gadsden Purchase
Mexico sold part of NM and AZ to the US for $10 mil
Benefitted US: allowed route for Southern Transcontinental Railroad
Established modern boundaries
Mexican War brought what to the forefront of politics?
Allowed or not in new territories?
Wilmot Provisio
1846: bill came before Congress to provide funds for negotiating with Mexico. PA democrat David Wilmot attached an amendment to bill.
The Wilmot Provisio proposed the banning of slavery in NM and CA
-Congress didn’t pass amendment
-North continued to attach it to bills about new territories
- revealed N/S conflict over slavery
Who painted American Progress?
John Gast