Civil War 2 Flashcards
How did the Confederate government take charge of the economy?
- Controlled production
- Seized railroads from private owners
- Required farmers to give 1/10 of produce to war efforts
- Personal income tax
In addition to the draft, the South could…
Seize slaves for military labor and pay their owners a monthly fee
What is a draft?
Required military service
Who called the draft in the south and why?
General Lee feared that would lose if there weren’t enough soldiers
When did the Confederate Congress pass the draft law?
April 1862
Who did the draft law apply to?
White men 18-35
What fraction of eligible men failed to cooperate with the draft in the South and why?
Conflicted with states rights
How did Great Britain get involved?
May 1861: Confed sent reps to GB and FR for help.
They didn’t recognize Confed as a nation, “wait and see” attitude.
GB allowed its ports to be used to build Confed privateers like the Alabama, which captured 60 Northern ships.
Slidell and Mason boarded the Brotisg warship to go to GB, caught and brought back to US by Union warship.
GB threatens war unless they’re released, send troops to Canada.
Lincoln orders release, demands $19 mil for damages by privateers (not paid)
Civil War Congress could pass many laws because
There was no southern opposition
Pacific Railroad Act
Allowed federal government to give land and money to companies to construct railroad from Nebraska to the Pacific Coast
Congress passed ______ to protect Northern industry and in 1861 the dirt federal tax on _______
Tariff rates
Homestead Act
Offered cheap govt land 160 acres to people willing to settle
Must be 21 or head of household, citizen/filing for citizenship, build a house at least 12x14, live there 6 months/year, farm the land for 5 years
Created 372,000 farms
Internal Revenue Act of 1862
Imposed taxes on items like liquor, tobacco, medicine, and newspaper ads
Nearly all ended when war ended
Congress passed an act that created a national currency not backed by gold
Named for color
Draft in North
March 1863 draft law
Allowed wealthy to buy their way out
Riots vented rage, especially NYC July 1863
Specific group of democrats, a minority in Congress
This group to democrats warned that Republicans would flood North with freed spaces who would take jobs.
Urged resist draft and desert army.
Lincoln used the army to shut down _______ and denied others ________ if critical
Opposition newspapers
Use of mail
Border states
Union but slave holding
Border State:
Strong support for secession, disloyal residents arrested
Border State:
Needed to control Ohio and Miss Rivers
Lincoln supported uprising to overthrow pro-Confed government
Border State:
Needed to control Ohio and Miss Rivers
Under martial law
In some places, Lincoln suspended _______ and ##### were jailed with no trial
Habeas corpus
Martial law
Emergency rule by military authorities
Individual freedoms may be suspended
Emancipation Proclamation
After Antietam, Lincoln proclaimed all slaves in Confederacy free as of Jan 1, 1863.
Effects: 1. Southern slaves escaped 2. Africans joined Union army
What prompts Britain to stay neutral?
Defeat of Lee at Antietam and Emancipation Proclamation
Slaves in War
Slaves captured in South considered contraband- item of the enemy govt
No Africans allowed to serve until after McClellan’s defeats in VA
By 1865, 180,000 Africans enlisted.
10% of N troops
Under white officers, paid less
54th MA Infantry
Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
1st documented N African regiment
Shaw led attack and lost nearly half his men at Fort Wagner (Charleston SC July 1863)
Southern economy
Hurt by freed or rebelling slaves
Food shortage (disrupted by armies, farmers wouldn’t switch from cotton to crops)
Hurt by inflation and profiteering- buying up goods to sell at high prices when scarce
Northern war economy
Wartime industries boomed
Farms and factories supported both war and population needs
Some N businessmen sold inferior products to army to make money
Captured soldiers on both sides were put in:
Prison camps
Union prison camps
Point Lookout MD
Camp Chase OH
Confederate prison camp in GA
Made to hold 10,000 but had 35,000
100 died a day from starvation and exposure to elements
Commander of prison tried and hanged for war crimes
1 in # wounded died of their wounds
1 in # died in war
Soldiers # times more likely to die in hospital than on battlefield
Clara Barton
Quit job to nurse wounded
Founded American Red Cross
Dorothea Dix
Head of Union Army Nursing Corps
4000 nurses
US Sanitary Commission
Nonexistent sanitation in camps, polluted water, mumps and measles
Created in 1861
Volunteers (mostly women) called for inspections in hospitals, camps, organized clean ups