Skin, Ears and Toes Flashcards
What are the four most common skin and SQ tumors in cats?
Basal cell tumors, MCT, SCC and fibrosarcoma
Papillomaviruses are only able to replicate in _____ cells
terminally differentiated cells
What are the two main viral proteins from papillomavirus that lead to neoplastic transformation? What do that interact with?
E6 - destabalizes p53 E7 - inhibits pRB
Disruption of p53 by papillomavirus protein can cause increased levels of ____ which is detectable with IHC
Canine papillomavirus has been associated with the development of ______
SCC - usually cutaneous
What are PPVs associated with in cats?
Viral plaques - aka feline sarcoids
PPV can be detected with IHC in most feline plaques - as the plaques progress to SCC, the ability to detect PPV ag increases/decreases
PPV is detected in more UV-protected or UV exposed areas of SCC in cats
UV-protected - up to 76% vs. 42% of UV exposed
Basal cell carcinoma in people is thought to arise from critical mutations in what signaling pathway
What aberrant karyotypes have been found in feline basal cell tumors
Trisomy E2 and monosomy E2 - unknown significance
____ staining is considered fairly specific for human BCC and was detected in 23/24 BCC in cats in one study
The presence of detectable ____ with IHC indicates mutations in the coding sequence and has been associated with what cutaneous tumor in cats and dogs
p53; SCC
What does p27 do? What cancer type has lower levels of this compared to benign tumors?
protein thought important in maintaining cells in G0 SCC
Nuclear activation of beta-catenin was detected in 100% of what skin tumor(s)
trichoepitheliomas and pilomatricomas
Which cyclin is expressed in the majority of feline SCC and just under half of canine SCCs
cyclin A
What is the causative mutation causing renal cystadenoma and nodular dermatofibrosis?
Birt-Hogg-Dube (BHD) gene
What does the BHD gene code for?
Tumor suppressor protein folliculin
What TKI has been associated with the rapid development of actinic keratosis and invasive SCC in people? What does this TKI inhibit?
Sorafenib - inhibitor of RAF and VEGF/PDGFR
What markers are used to differentiate BCC from SCC in people
epithelial membrane protein BerEP4
What dog breeds are at an increased risk for BCC
cocker spaniels, poodles
What are the three histologic subtypes of BCC in dogs
solid, keratinizing and clear cell
What is the behavior of BCC in dogs?
Low-grade malignancy; can recur but no reports of mets
Where does BCC most commonly occur on cats?
Head and neck - can be pigmented, too!
In patients with multiple papillomas, what drug may be effective
What is actinic keratosis in cats?
SCC in situ that arises as a consequence of UV exposure (different from Bowens based on location and histo)
Median DFI and MST for cats treated with surgery for a single nasal planum or pinna SCC?
DFI 594d, MST 675d
What cream can be used to treat Bowens in cats?
Imiquimod 5%
What topical cream was NOT effective for Bowens in cats
13-cis-retinoic acid
For cats treated with photodynamic therapy for bowens, what is the response rate and what is prognostic?
RR up to 100% (used in people too) Clinical tumor stage
What breeds of cats are at a DECREASED risk of SCC
Siamese, Himalayan and Persian
What dog breeds have a predisposition for nasal planum SCC?
Labs and goldens
what dog breeds are predisposed to cutaneous SCC
Poodles, bassets and blood hounds
What paraneoplastic syndrome has been associated with cutaneous SCC in cats?
Hypercal - two had ear canal tumors, the other had multiple cutaneous tumors
ECT with bleo for cats with cutaneous SCC has what CR rate and what survival range?
CR in 82%; survival 2mo - 3yrs
What breeds of dogs are more likely to ket infundibular keratinizing acanthomas (IKAs)
Nordic breeds - Norwegian elkhouds, belgian sheepdogs, Lhasa apso, German Shep
Surgery is the treatment of choice for IKA but what is an alternative option?
Isotretinoin (vitamin A derivative)
Malignant trichoepitheliomas are also called____
matrical carcinoma
What is the behavior of malignant trichoepithelioma?
Rare and only case reports but reports = highly metastatic to regional LN and lungs
What breeds are more likely to get pilomatricomas
Kerry blue, soft-coated wheatens, Bouvier, poodles, sheepdogs, bichons, Airedales
What is the behavior of malignant pilomatricoma
High metastatic potential - mets to lungs, bone, LN, mammary gland or skin in 11/12 dogs in one report
What cutaneous tumors have adenxal differentiation? What does this mean
Arise from hiar follicle IKAs, tricholemmoma, trichoblastoma, trichoepithelioma, malig. trcihoepithel (matrical carcinoma), pilomatricoma/malignant pilomatricoma
Where is the most common site for apocrine gland carcinoma in dogs?
Thoracic limbs
What is the prognosis for apocrine gland carcinoma
Highly invasive, but cure rates high with surgery alone
What is an eccrine adenoma/carcinoma
tumors of the sweat glands of the footpads
What is the other name for neruoendocrine carcinoma
Merkel cell carcinoma
What is the behavior of Merkel cell tumors in people? How does this compare to dogs and cats?
Highly malignant in humans; case reports in cats and dogs suggest more benign clinical course
Loss of expression of what proteins is linked to a more aggressive behavior in humans for Merkel cell tumors has also been found in dogs
E-cadherin, beta-catenin
What do most dogs with nodular dermatofibrosis die from and how long does this usually take?
Renal failure from renal cystadenocarcinoma, average 3 years
What breeds are at an increased risk of ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma (dogs
german shep, cocker spaniels
Skull rads for dogs with malignant tumors of the ear cnala showed what primary features
Lysis of the bulla (13/27), sclerosis of the bulla (8/27)
Is metastasis from ear canal tumors common in dogs and cats?
No - 1/30 dogs had LN + distant mets, 3/35 had pulmonary, one lytic bone lesion; cats only regional LN
What is the MST for dogs and cats treated with a TECA-LBO for malignant ear canal tumors?
42-50mo (cats), not reached at 36mo for dogs (Better than lateral ear canal resection)
What is the staging scheme for primary tumors of the ear canal
T1 = confined to external or horizontal ear canal T2 = extending beyond TM T3 = extending beyond middle ear/bone destruction
What prognostic factor was identified in dogs with malignant ear canal tumors
Extension beyond ear canal (no MST = 30mo, yes MST = 5.9mo)
Cats with SCC of the ear canal have an MST of ____ compared to an MST of ____for ceruminous gland
SCC = 3.8mo, ceruminous = 49
What mitotic cutoff is associated with MST in cats with primary tumors of the ear canal?
≤2 mst = 180mo ≥3 MST ~24mo
What percent of dogs with digital SCC have involvement of multiple digits
What dog breeds are predisposed to having multiple digital scc?
large breed with black coats - standard poodles, black labs, giant schnauzers, gordon setters, rotties, beaucerons, briards
Are the thoracic or pelvic limbs more commonly affected by digital SCC?
Thoracic limbs
What breed of dog is overrepresented for digital melanoma?
What was the % disagreement amongst pathologists for histo from digital tumors? How often was this clinically significant?
20% of cases, clinically significant differences in 75% of these
What is another term for lung digit syndrome?
What was the rate of primary lung tumors in 64 cats with digital carcinoma
What is the MST for cats with lung digit vs. primary digital SCC
lung-digit: 4.9 weeks primary SCC 29.5wks
What digit tumor does bone lysis have prognostic significance for in dogs?
Dogs with digital SCC have what rate of metastasis at diagnosis and what rate develop it subsequently?
6-13% at dx additional 9-17% develop it
What location of digital SCC may carry a better prognosis?
What is the rate of mets at the time of diagnosis and what additional percent develop it for digital melanoma
32-40% at dx (local LN or distant) additional 10-26% develop after definitive treatment
What are the 1 and 2-year survival rates for dgital SCC treated with surgery alone in dogs?
1yr 50-83% 2yr 18-62% Better for subungual lesions
What are the 1- and 2-yr survival rates for dogs with digital melanoma treated with surgery alone?
1yr 42-57% 2yr 13-36%
Is there a survival benefit from adding chemo to surgery in dogs with digital melanoma?
Not for carbo - 1 and 2 yr survival : 89 and 67% vaccine - 1 and 2 yr 63% and 32% (but 28% had mets at treatment)
What is the survival time for cats with digital melanoma? how many developed mets?
0->577d (helpful information, I know) 4/5 developed mets
What was the relationship between papillomavirus DNA and canine lobular orbital adenoma? (Schaefer, BCM 2019) **Committee paper**
No papillomavirus detected
What effectors of mTOR signalling were dysregulated in cutaneous papillomas of dogs? (Sanz Ressel VCO 2019)
pAKT and pS6 - pathway activated and may be possible therapeutic target
What markers were useful in differentating between basal cell tumors and SCC? (Kok vet path 2018)
cytokeratin 16
What was the MST for cats with Merkel cell carcinoma treated with surgery
MST 243d
What was the rate of recurrence and metastasis for Merkel cell carcinoma in cats treated with surgery? (Sumi VCO 2018)
Recurrence (55%, of them 55% had complete margins)
Metastasis 50%
What IHC markers is merkel cell carcinoma in cats positive for (Sumi VCO 2018)
All cytokeratin and p63+
Most synaptophysin and CK18 positive
What were the most common skin tumors in a review of the Swiss Canine Cancer Registry? (Graf VetPath 2018)
MCT (16.35%)
Lipomas (12.47%)
Hair follicle tumors (12.34%)
Histiocytomas (12.10%)
An increased incidence of histiocytomas has been found in what breed? (Graf Vet Path 2018)
Flat Coated Ret
What are the four most common feline skin tumors?
basal cell tumors, FSA, SCC and MCT
True/False: the majority of feline skin tumors are benign. (Ho JFMS 2010)
False - 52.7% malignant
What is the MST for apocrine sweat gland adenocarcinomas in dogs treated with surgery (Simko CanVetJ 2003)
MST 30mo
What histologic feature predicted metastasis for canine apocrine sweat gland adenocarcinomas treated with surgery (Simko CanVetJ 2003)
vascular invasion (overall rate of mets low though - 4% in this study)
What features were associated with recurrent basal cell carcinoma vs. nonrecurrent basal carcinoma? (Simeonov Vet Clin Path 2010)
Recurrent: higher mean nuclear area, mean nuclear perimeter and mean nuclear diameter –> nuclear morphometry may predict recurrence
What microRNA expression was associated with equine sarcoids? (Bogedale VCO 2019)
downregulation of miR-200 family (may trigger EMT), increase tumor suppressive cluster on chr 24
What microRNA expression was associated with equine ocular SCC? (Bogedale VCO 2019)
Downregulation of chromosome 24 cluster (tumor suppressive cluster) and miR-34 family
What markers are present in sarcoid fibroblasts from horses? (Martano BMC 2018)
VEGF in 90% (also keratinocytes and endothelial cells)
Ki67 moderately postivie in 5-10%
Bcl2 in 52% of tumors, weak staining of 20-50% of sarcoid fibroblasts
What are the most common cutaneous tumors of horses? (Schaffer JAVMA 2013)
Sarcoid (from delta papillomaviruses)
What breed of horse is more likely to get melanoma? (Schaffer JAVMA 2013)
What breed of horse is more likely to get cutaneous lymphoma?
What breeds of horse are more likely to get benign soft tissue tumors like basal cell tumors?
Draft and pony breeds
What marker were all cutaneous Schannomas in horses positive for? (Schoniger Vet Path 2011)
What DNA PCR markers are equine sarcoids positive for? (Bogaert Vet Path 2011)
Bovine papillomavirus 1 or 2
What was found to help differentiated benign vs. malignant canine ceruminous gland neoplasia? (Simeonov VCO 2011)
Nuclear morphometry - mean nuclear area, perimeter, diameter
Of cats undergoing TECAs, 40% were due to neoplasia - what ws the most common type? (Bacon JSAP 2003)
ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma (86%)
What is the MST for cats with ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma treated with TECA? What was a poor prognositc indicator? (Bacon, JSAP 2003)
MST 50.3mo
MI≥3 = poorer prognosis
Level of ____ were significantly lower in benign perianal tumors vs. control dogs. (Lisiecka Vet Immuno 2019)
significant increase in Tregs after antihormonal treatement
Serum acute phase proteins (decreased/increased) during treatment for dogs with benign circumanal gland tumors vs. (decreased/increased) for dogs with malignant tumors (Lisiecka J comp path 2019)
Benign - decreased
malignant - marked increase
What testing can be used to differentiated Bowen’s disease and actinic keratosis in cats? (Favrot Vet Path 2009)
p53 IHC in majority of AK but not Bowen’s
Papillomavirus DNA in 48% of Bowen’s not AK
What were the side effects of imiquimod in cats treated for Bowen’s disease? (Gill VCO 2008)
Local erythema, increased liver values, neutropenia, partial anorexia and vomiting
What was the response to Imiquimod and the MST for cats treated with it for Bowen’s disease (Gill VCO 2008)
100% of lesions respond, but 75% of cats developed new lesions
MST 1189d
What protocol is considered high-dose rate brachytherapy (used in cats with nasal planum SCC) (Lino JFMS 2019)
30Gy total
5x6Gy (T am&PM, Th am/pm, F am)
4x7.5Gy (Tu/Th am/pm)
What was the response rate for cats with nasal planum SCC treated with high-dose rate brachytherapy (Lino JFMS 2019)
What was the rate of local recurrence for cats with nasal planum SCC treated with fractionated or single-dose strontium plesiotherapy? (Berlato JFMS 2018)
What was the response to accelterated RT (10x4.8Gy over one week) for treatment of nasal planum SCC? (Gasymova BMC 2017)
All CR, mDFI 916d (1 and 2yr DFI 71% and 60%)
What was prognostic for feline nasal planum SCC treated with accelerated RT (Gasymova BMC 2017)
Tumor volue - larger tumors had a greater risk of recurring and a greater risk of dying
A rsotrolateral rhinotomy for nasal septum SCC in dogs is not appropriate for tumors that ____ (Ter Haar Vet Surg 2015)
extend to nasal floor
What was the rate of recurrence for dogs undergoing a rostrolateral rhinotomy for nasal septum SCC? (Ter Haar Vet Surg 2015)
4/10 recurred even though surgery considered complete in 8/10
What was the response to curettage and diathermy for feline nasal planum actinic dysplasia or superficial SCC? (Jarrett JSAP 2013)
CR in all cats, 94% disease free at 1 year, median time to recurrence not reached
What tumor characteristics are appropriate for treatment with curettage and diathermy for feline nasal planum actinic dysplasia or superficial SCC?
small, non-invasive tumors
What was the plesiotherapy protocol used in the Goodfellow FMS 2006 paper for treatment of feline nasal planum SCC
50gy to depth 2mm in 5fx over 10 days
What was the response rate and DFI for cats undergoing strontium90 plesiotherapy (Goodfellow JFMS 2006)
100% responded, 11/15 CR, 4/15 PR
DFI 652d for cats w/ CR
What was the strontium protocol for cats with nasal planum SCC in the 2007 Hammond JAVMA paper?
Single fraction, mean 128Gy
What was the response rate for cats treated with a single fraction of strontium 90 for nasal planum SCC? (Hammond JAVMA 2007)
RR 98%, 88%CR
What was the PFS and OST for cats treated with a single fraction of strontium 90 for nasal planum SCC (Hammond, JAVMA 2007)
PFS 1710, OST 3076
What was the rate of recurrence and percent of cats that developed new SCC lesions after a single treatment of strontium? What was prognostic? (Hammond JAVMA 2007)
20% recurrence
33% cats developed new lesions at other locations
Response to treatment prognostic
63% of feline nasal planum SCC stained positive for ____ which had a longer MST of ____ vs. ____ for tumors without. Papillomavirus was more frequently amplified in (positive/negative) tumors. (Munday Vet Path 2013)
p16+ MST 643d vs. 217d
Pap DNA more amplified in p16+ tumors
What percent of canine dermal SCC had actinic change? Was this a positive or poor prognostic indicator? (Willcox VCO 2019)
38% had actinic change
Positive - MST 1359 for actinic change vs. 680d w/o (overall 1004)
What are the most common digital tumors in the dog? (Henry JVIM 2005)
SCC 51.6%
Melanoma 15.6%
OSA 6.3%
What are the metastatic rates for the three most common digital tumors in dogs? (Henry JVIM 2005)
SCC: 6% at dx, 15% at death
Melanoma: 40% at dx, 50% at death
OSA: 25% at dx and death
What was found to have a positive impact on survival in dogs with digital tumors? (Henry JVIM 2005)
Treatment with surgery