Respiratory Tumors Flashcards
What is the rate of local recurrence for nasal SCC in cats treated surgically? What is the DFI?
<10% recurrence, median DFI 594d for isolated, 426d for SCC in multiple locations
What is the MST for cats with either isolated nasal planum SCC treated with surgery or SCC in multiple locations treated with surgery?
isolated: 673d multiple: 530d
What is the median time to recurrence for dogs treated with external beam RT for nasal planum SCC?
2-3mo, RT not generally used
What was the 1-yr PFS rate for cats with nasal planum SCC treated with orthovoltage?
What is the median DFI and MST for cats treated with megavoltage RT for nasal planum SCC?
DFI 361-916d MST 902d
What was the CR rate for cats treated with intralesional carbo for nasal planum SCC?
MST for dogs getting SBRT for nasal tumors (3x9gy, 3x10gy, 1x20Gy) Mayer JAVMA 2019
Factors associated with MST for dogs getting SBRT for nasal tumors (3x9gy, 3x10gy, 1x20Gy) Mayer JAVMA 2019
tumor stage (IVa worse than I, II, III), decrease in dose falloff and increase in dose heterogeneity associated with shorter survival RT dose assoc. with survival time - shorter for 3x10Gy compared to 3x9Gy (questionable relevance) no difference in histo type, but
AE rates for dogs getting SBRT for nasal tumors (3x9gy, 3x10gy, 1x20Gy) Mayer JAVMA 2019
Acute side effects: skin 26% (dry desquamation, excludes s hair loss), oral cavity (30% grade 1 or II mucositis), ocular (discharge 26%, KCS 4%) Late (>6mo) 18% developed unilateral cataract
**ORR and median DFI for cats treated with strontium plesiotherapy for nasal planum SCC (JFMS 2019, Berlato)**
- 74% CR (22% PR, 4% PD)
- Median DFI 780d
- DFI of fractionated Sr90 significantly longer than single-dose Sr90
OST for cats treated with strontium plesiotherapy for nasal planum SCC + prognostic factors (Berlato JFMS 2018)
OST 1039d
Prognostic factors influence OST = early-stage disease, absence of concurrent problems, CR
Response in cats treated with high-dose rate brachytherapy (6x5Gy or 4x7.5Gy) and PFS/OS? (Lino JFMS 2019) for nasal planum SCC
Response: 72% CR, 24% PR, 2% no response
MST 316d, OS 835d
Prognostic factors for cats undergoing high-dose rate brachytherapy (5x6Gy or 4x7.5Gy) for treatment of nasal planum SCC
- Sex (males did worse)
- Extension of tumor onto upper lip
- Tumor size
- Existence of a previous therapy
- Tumor response
What was the median interval b/w last RT treatment and max tumor reduction for dogs treated with hypofractionated RT for solitary unresectable pulmoary tumors (Kawabe, VRU 2019) and what were the responses?
56d; PR in 6, SD in 3
MST for dogs with solitary pulmonary carcinoma treated with hypofractionated RT (what was the protocol?) +/- surgery and/or chemotherapy? Kawabe VRU 2019
MST 810d
RT protocol varied: 7.0-12Gy/fraction x 4-7 fx weekly for a total of 40-50Gy
What was the overall MST for dogs with intranasal tumors treated with alt. carbo/dox w/ oral piroxicam? Which tumor types did better or worse? (Woodruff VCO 2019)
oMST = 234d (7.8mo)
sarcomas did best - MST 448d
ACA or carcinoma = 280d
TCC - 163d
SCC/anaplastic/undiff = 59d
What % of dogs treated with alt carbo/dox + oral piroxicam for intranasal tumors had AEs? What was the rate of gr 3/4 AEs? (Woodruff VCO 2019)
AEs in 69% of dogs, grade 3 or 4 in 24%
What are the most common CT appearances of nasal chondrosarcoma in dogs? (Jania JSAP 2019)
72% had areas of calcification (variable patterns)
ring and arch or popcorn calcification pattern most common (as is described in humans)
What was predictive of the presence of neoplasia vs. rhinitis on CT in cats? (Nemanic VRU 2015)
Abnormal medial retrophar. LN hilus + mass
abnormal medial retro LN hilus + lysis
Which of the following were found to be phosphorylated in canine nasal carcinoma and what does this suggest?:
(Hocker Res Vet Sci 2017) **Committee member**
EGFR1 phosphorylated in 10/16 carciomas
absence of phosphorylated RTK targets of TOC means any clinical effect of TOC occurs through alternative unidentified pathways in canine nasal carcinoma
alsdo EGFR1 may be a therapeutic target
Cats with what marker were more likely to achieve a CR or PR and have a significantly longer MST after RT for treatment of nasal LSA (Fu J Vet Med Sci 2016)
ki67 - >40%
Expression of which cox isoform is found in normal nasal tissue vs. nasal carcinoma? (Kleiter VRU 2004, borzacchiello j comp path 2004)
cox 1 - normal tissue, rare in tumors
cox 2 strongly expressed in all tumors
What was found to be prognostic in dogs with untreated nasal tumors? What was the MST for untreated nasal tumors in dogs? (Rassnick JAVMA 2006)
epistaxis (88d vs. 224d) - not necessarily consistent with more current lit
overall MST 95d (88 w/ epistaxis vs. 224d w/o)
Describe the six factors assessed for CT staging of nasal tumors and what are the stages (J Vet Med Sci 2008)
- tumor invasion to bilateral nasal/paranasal sinus clear on enhanced CT
- nasal bone destruction + tumor grossly found
- involvement of oral cavity with destruction of hard palate
- orbital involvement + eyeball compression
- frontal sinus involvement
- brain involvement
Stage 1 = 0/6, stage 2 = 1 finding (only 1-5), stage 3 = 2 findings (only 1-5) stage IV = any with criteria 6