Skin and muscles of the face (dave's notes) Flashcards
Describe the tension lines and wrinkling of the face
Tension lines run in an onion skin like pattern from mouth to ear. Wrinkles run at right angles to muscle pull
What is the embryological origin of the muscles of the face?
They develop from the mesoderm of the second pharyngeal pouch, supplied by its nerve (VII).
What is the nerve of the second pharyngeal pouch?
VII facial
Why do the facial muscles have no deep fascia?
They are morphologically specialised members of the panniculus carnosus
How are the muscles of the face grouped functionally?
They are functionally differentiated to form groups around the orifices as sphincters and dilators
List the muscles of the eyelids - palpebral fissure
Orbicularis oculi
Levator palpebrae superioris
What are the dilators of the eye?
Levator palpebrae superioris
What is the sphincter of the eye?
Orbicularis oculi
Which part of the eye closes first? What is the significance of this?
The lateral part. Moves tears towards the nose.
What is the nerve supply of orbicularis oculi?
The temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve
What is the palpebral part of orbicularis oculi? What is the other part of orbicularis oculi? What function does it serve?
The lids.
The orbital part on the face allowing strong closure
List the muscles of the nostrils
- The sphincter is the transverse part of nasals (compressor naris) which embraces the alar cartilages
- The dilator is the alar part of nasals (dilator naris)
The nose can also be moved by other muscles, all supplied by Zygomatic and Buccal branches of the facial nerve
From where does nasalis arise?
The maxilla.
Give two mnemonics for the branches of the facial nerve
To Zanzibar By Motor Car
Two Zombies Buggered My Cat
List the branches of the facial nerve
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical
What is the sphincter of the mouth?
Orbicularis oris
Describe the fibres of orbicularis oris
Orbicularis oris consists of fibres to it self proper and fibres added from the sphincter muscles
What contributes most of the bulk of orbicularis oris?
The bulk of the fibres come from buccinator converging at the modiolus. Upper and lower fibres pass straight through while middle fibres decussate
What muscles contribute to orbicularis oris?
Buccinator, incisive and mental slips curve around the angle of the mouth in a loop on either side (deepest members)
What is the nerve supply to orbicularis oris?
Buccal and marginal mandibular branches of the facial nerve
Describe the origin of buccinator
buccinator has a boney origin from both jaws opposite the molar teeth and PTG raphe (pterego-mandibular?)
What are the dilators of the mouth? List them.
The remainder of the muscles radiating outwards from the lips and modiolus Levator labii superioores alaeque nasi Levator labii superiores Levator anguli oris Zygomaticus minor Zygomaticus major Depressor anguli oris Depressor labii inferioris Mentalis
What is the modiolus?
The corner of the mouth where a chiasma between ?8 perioral muscles converge
What nerve supplies the muscles of the face?
The facial nerve MOTOR ONLY