Lymphatic drainage of the head and neck (dave's notes) Flashcards
Where are the submental nodes located?
Just below the chin near the midline
Where are the submandibular nodes located?
Further lateral than the submental nodes, below the mandible
Where are the anterior cervical nodes found?
Along the interior jugular vein
Where are the superficial cervical nodes found?
Along the external jugular vein
Where are the occipital nodes found?
Over the upper attachment of trapezius
Where are the posterior auricular nodes found?
Over the upper part of SCM
Where are the preauricular nodes found?
Outside and within the parotid gland
Where may laryngeal and pharyngeal lymph drain?
Infrahyoid, prelaryngeal, pretracheal nodes
Where are the deep cervical nodes found?
Along the carotid sheath (in front and behind), largely under the cover of SCM
What is the upper group of deep cervical nodes called?
Jugulodigastric and jugulo-omohyoid
What lymph does the upper group of deep cervical nodes collect?
Lymph from the back of the tongue, tonsil, ear, nose, sinuses, upper pharynx and larynx
Where is the lower group of deep cervical nodes found?
These constitute the supraclavicular group
What does the supraclavicular group of deep cervical nodes drain?
Face, anterior scalp, anterior tongue, lower pharynx and larynx, thyroid gland and mediastinum, and from the left perhaps the stomach.
Summaries two key points regarding head and neck lymphatic drainage.
There is widespread communication. Lymph from outlying nodes all eventually drains into the deep nodes
Where is lymph from the lower end of the deep cervical chain collected?
The jugular lymph trunk
Where does lymph on the left eventually drain?
The thoracic duct
Where does lymph on the right eventually drain?
The right lymphatic duct or the right brachiocephalic vein