Blood supply , venous and lymphatic drainage of the face (dave's notes) Flashcards
What artery is the main blood supply to the face?
The facial artery
Describe the origin and course of the facial artery
The facial artery is the highest of the three branches from the anterior aspect of the external carotid artery.
It passes upwards on the side wall of the pharynx, then hooks downwards over the posterior belly of digastric coming into contact with the upper surface of the submandibular gland. It then pursues a tortuous course towards the medial angle of the eye.
What branch does the facial artery give off to the lips? What is the course of this branch?
The facial artery gives off and inferior and superior labial artery, both of which divide into two; one in front and one behind, both of which anastomose in the midline.
What branch supplies the temple? From whence does this originate?
The superficial temporal artery, a terminal branch of the external carotid.
What branch does the superficial temporal artery give off? Where does this run?
The transverse facial artery, which runs just above the parotid duct
What artery to the face originates from the internal carotid artery? What branches does this give off?
The ophthalmic artery, which gives off supraorbital and supratrochlear branches which freely anastomose with superficial temporal artery branches.
Summarise the venous return of the face in three words
Normally entirely superficial
What venous route does blood from the forehead follow?
Supraorbital and supratrochlear veins -> unite at the can thus to form the ->angular vein which becomes the -> facial vein. This follows the artery to the mandible where it pierces the investing of the deep fascia and is joined by the retromandibular vein
Where does blood from the temple drain?
Into tributaries of the superficial temporal vein -> maxillary veins ->retromandibular veins (passing the parotid gland). On emerging it divides into anterior and posterior.
What does the anterior branch of the retromandibular vein join and drain to?
The facial vein -> internal jugular vein
What does the posterior branch of the retromandibular vein drain to?
The posterior branch pierces the investing layer of the deep fascia, is joined by the posterior auricular to form the external jugular vein.
What is the course of the external jugular vein?
This passes over SCM then pierces the investing layer of deep fascia to drain into the subclavian vein.
Why are forehead, upper lip and nearby cheek infections dangerous?
Because the facial vein communicates with the cavernous sinus. Blood from the forehead will normally flow via the facial vein but if there is any blockage retrograde flow can occur.
What is deep venous anastomosis exists for the facial vein?
At the medial canthus there is communication with the ophthalmic vein -> cavernous sinus.
What other deep venous anastomosis exists for facial drainage?
The deep facial vein receives a vein from the cavernous sinus through the foramen ovale.
Where does facial lymph drain?
Into three superficial groups of nodes from three wedge shaped blocks.
Where does the chin and tip of the tongue drain to?
Submental nodes
What tissue drains to the submandibular nodes?
A wedge of tissue from the central forehead and frontal sinuses through the anterior half of the nose and maxillary sinuses to the upper lip and lower part of the face. This includes the tongue and the floor of the mouth.
What tissue drain to the preauricular nodes?
Beyond the wedge draining to the submandibular nodes; forehead, temple, orbital contents and cheek
Where does all lymph in the face end up?
The deep cervical nodes.